Sunday, January 06, 2008


Got my Electric Bill the other day and I nearly had a heart attack.....$300 dollars! What the hell is going on here? Weren't we told by our Rep and other elected do-nothings, that deregulation of the Electric Industry was a good thing? And that it would create competition and best of all it would lower our bills! What drugs were they taking, or more to the many pieces of silver did they get? Great job fellas! And thanks from the bottom of my pocket!
Congratulations to Savoy for telling the "Tree Huggers" to go kiss their ass! It's about time someone took a chain saw to their "Not in My Backyard, or in Anybodies Backyard" attitude. Of course those "Nature Freaks" will still try to throw out roadblocks, but this time I think they are cut down!
So how long do you think it will be before we all have to move into a Ghetto because we can no longer afford to pay your unjust House Taxes? Thanks for the "ROYAL TOILET FLUSH - LATRINE MAN". How many old citizens will be put out in the street because Governmental Servants don't know how to manage affairs with what they have? Let me pose a question to you.....In what year will people finally say, enough is enough, and elect people that really look out for the citizens and their interest and are not more concerned with perpetuating the existence of the flawed system?
There is more, but I will save it for another day. I'm to pissed off now to continue!


Anonymous said...

well well well...your "repukes" in the house want to give the cities and towns back the money that the dems have been holding back but the dems seem to think the proposal is a political gimic....they even said we need to come up with real solutions....yet they didn't offer any real solution...quote of the century came today from "smitty"...smitty now that's a great old fashioned name for a politician...he says he's not a big fan of governing by referandum.....well apparently none of the legislatures are...the people speak, put questions on the ballot vote on the questions and then the legislature doesn't act on the inicative...unless of course it has to do with giving themselves a raise....what smitty doesn't understand is that the peoples will that he is there to act on....when the voters put forth an inicative petetion it is the job of the legislature to act on it and implement it...not complain about it because it doesn't serve their personal agenda....

Anonymous said...

Southview, I don't think you can blame the elected for no competition after they opened the door for competition. I liken this to the silly tirade the Mayor is having over gas prices in the city. He demands to know how much profit the local stations are making.


Who is going to decide how much profit is too much? Is this not a nation of the free market system? Don't like the price, don't buy it.

Instead of wasting taxpayers money over something he can't and shouldn't control, why not work on getting everyone highspeed internet? This could drastically reduce the amount of fuel needed by many residents. Put some money that would be used to fight the middle men into better public transportation, upgrade the buses to biofuel - do something that will really have an effect for longer than tomorrow's headlines.

You don't like paying the electric company? Produce your own electricity, use less, find an alternative. Regulating profits had its day back in 20th century Russia.

Anonymous said...

I have hated the electric company ever sinse the did away with their corporate mascott Reddi Kilowatt.Remember him? He was a stick figure with the sticks looking like lightning bolts.These idiots killed him off and even cut his picture off of every high water warning sign along the Deerfield River.And before any of you sick liberals try blameing Republicans for this try asking your state rep why he voted in favor of deregulation. My bill doubled and I ain't been this pissed off sinse Elvis died.

Anonymous said...

"Let me pose a question to you.....In what year will people finally say, enough is enough, and elect people that really look out for the citizens and their interest and are not more concerned with perpetuating the existence of the flawed system?"

I don't think anytime soon. People just don't care enough to get off their ass and say/do something about situations that are fucked up. People are happy in their ignorant bliss, and we don't want to disrupt them from watching their favorite bonehead sitcom every week.

The general masses never stop to think about situations. Not many people pick up a book, or do some research and learn about something before having their opinion. They just believe what they are pretty much soon fed their whole life. This goes for the government, religion, drug policies, and all the other big issues facing America and the world today (gay marriage, racism, abortion, death penalty). Too many people are happy believing in the American dream that they never wake up to learn something.

As far as your sky high electric bill goes, Dennis Miller said, "We've gotta do something because energy costs are absolutely insane...electricity is the one that bothers me. How can I pay so much for something I can make with a balloon and my hair?"

Anonymous said...

da snoop.....I could almost agree with you but for one, or maybe two, or maybe three or more very important factors. First and foremost is the fact that fuel for our cars is a commodity we can not do with out. We depend on it in today's world, just as much as we need medicine. Without it we could never get to work and generate an income. People are not anti-business but they don't want to be stolen from at the pumps by greedy people profiteering. Also remember as the price goes up so does the tax you pay, thus don't be lookin for any help outta Boston, you know how those politician love their tax monies.
Thurston.....It's a gimmy, they all have been bought and paid for by big business. Wanna buy a politician? I'm for sale! That's the pin they wear on their lapel while in Boston.
John.....You got it baby! But the reason being is that when they do try to do something, the people they elected into office won't listen to them, so they show their dissatisfaction with them by re-electing them! Now that's what I call a smart move!

Anonymous said...

"First and foremost is the fact that fuel for our cars is a commodity we can not do with out." To me this is what John was addressing.

Not only can we do without it, we need to in order to save the planet. Will it be easy? of course not, but complaining someone makes to much profit in a free market does absolutely nothing. Changes will come whether we want them or not, why not get out in front of them to cushion the blow?

I love the people who complain about fuel costs yet leave their vehicle idling to warm up in the morning or at the store, drive two minutes down the road instead of walk, or make multiple trips instead of combining them as well as complain they need to get to the gym for exercise.

Anonymous said...

Da Snoop is right. Too many people complain about this stuff, but at the same time are only adding to the problem by doing those little things that they don't bother to stop doing. Leaving the car running, leaving the computer on all day, keeping the TV going while doing other activities, leaving lights on when you leave the house, taking the car 20 feet down the street instead of walking, etc.

Jackie, you are right that we are now at a point in our lifestyles that we cannot do without cars and gasoline. The fact is that we rely way too much on technology, to the point that if we didn't have gas just for one day, the world would be in big trouble. I think this is an issue all it's own. Our dependence on technology. It has gotten to the point that most people, except maybe farmers, would be totally fucked if they had to live without technology the way it is. We depend way too much on supermarkets, gas, electric, different forms of transportation, etc. Just look at jobs. So many people would be without jobs just without their vehicles. The Amish have one thing right. If the world had to go without technology the way it is today even for a week, they would probably be the only group of people that would still be living well. However, it has gone too far for the rest of us, and if something big was to ever happen that jeopardized our different forms of technology, most of us would wind up in the grave within a few months.

Anonymous said...

John.....You are so argumentatively correct. In my case my tanks last only three hours, then it's the floppy fish outta bowl act.
You can't condemn technology just because it depends, or should I say chooses, a particular fuel source as it's prime mover. I totally agree with you and Da Snoop that there are much better sources around, I like fuel cells myself. But until you get the politicians out of the pockets of big oil and start putting some real money into research and development, nothing is gonna change, it is only going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

I see the Berkshires have finally formed the Advanced Biofuels Task Force.

Something I called for at least two years ago (if not 3) when suggestions where being sought for the former Kmart plaza and which a certain poster resoundly dismissed me as a tree hugger.

Better late than never I guess.

Anonymous said...

"You can't condemn technology just because it depends, or should I say chooses, a particular fuel source as it's prime mover."

I'm not really condemning the technology as much as condemning people's lack of realization that we need to keep our options open. Of course we are going to use the easiest, best source for whatever it is we are doing. But, we just need to remember not to depend on something technological so much that we can't live without it.

You are right, I think research is the key answer. That, and just realizing that we need other options. Remaining stagnant and never trying something new will only hurt us in that respect. As you say, for research, however, we need money, and support from the government to look for other sources. The problem is that these officials are already making enough money from oil and eletric the way it is to keep themselves personally happy so they don't bother to try something new (the pockets of big oil-as you say).

Anonymous said...

da snoop.....CB may have labeled you a tree hugger, but you are far from that. I would label you a progressive idealizer. You have never advocated saving the Bavarian Slime Squirter over siting of a windmill or a WiFi system, quite the opposite. But I must revert back to a previous blog where we discussed commissions and studies and how they are nothing more than do nothing, rehash, and political repay jobs, that are a waste of time and money. Go look at the problem and fix the fucking thing!
John.....You are on the right track. We need a revolution in this country to oust the current situation where big money results in little government control. Where is our white knight?

Anonymous said...

He' black - Mr. Obama

Anonymous said...

Definitely with in the realm of quantum phisics....Black can be White!

Greg said...

simple question: While the rates for electricity itself is still somewhat regulated, what regulation, if any, is on all the nebulous charges, such as delivery, etc..., that account for more than 50% of my National Grid bill?

Anonymous said...

The light we see is what has reflected off of the surface and not absorbed by the object. I believe black is described as the absence of color since all visible wavelengths were absorbed.

Anonymous said...

Greg.....Those are called "Back Door Rate Increases" and are sanctioned by the very politicians that gave us the week regulations. It's their way of sitting on the fence with out having to make a decision that would anger their gift horse., their (big money) servants have found that by proclaiming one thing to the citizens but allowing the back door to be left wide open for corporations, they can strut around with their fat chests poked out and proclaim what a wonderful job they are doing for the citizens and at the same time collect their pieces of silver from the corporations.
da snoop.....from this side of the quantum mirror it is like is the combined reflection of all the wave particles combined, and white is the absence of any reflection.

Anonymous said...

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Thanks for reading this. You guys are great.

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Anonymous said...

Very good question

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