Sunday, January 20, 2008


Thank you for stopping by. It is 3:00 AM, my usual time to become aware. Just a few points to ponder this mornin, nothing earth shattering. Faux Comedy Muse reported yesterday a sighting of a flying saucer. Of course being the realists and in possession of all the true facts, they just poked fun at it and reaffirmed their Christan beliefs that there could not be such things because GOD only created Man and we are alone and the masters of the universe. And we must not forget that we have only been here for 5,000 years, not nearly long enough to have another race of beings more advanced than us.
On the purely for entertainment purposes only scene......How about those caucuses? Who will get to compete for "BULLSHITTER of the YEAR in 08? I really can;t get to excited for anyone that is vying for KING (or Queen) of AMERICA. They all are the same. When my vote really counts and there is a "None Of The Above" listing on the ballot, I may consider voting again. But for now we have to admit the truth to ourselves that Corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex has taken over our country from it's citizens and enslaved us to it's ends. When your government starts to refer to you as "CONSUMERS", instead of "CITIZENS", then you know we have lost the war!
Just to touch on the rapid decline in our Blogging Buddies. Seems that there is a mass exodus from the blog world here locally. What gives guys? Not only the good bloggers but our commenter's like Clark have abandoned us. Have we become that boring or was blogging just a passing fad that people got tired of? We miss all of you and the lively discussions we had. Believe it or not, everyone contributed to the cause. Maybe it didn't change anything but you can surely bet that it made some know that not everyone was happy! Come back and see us again...ya hear!


Ross said...

Sorry, Jack, about not posting recently.

First, I don't want to rehash the same old talking points that everyone else on the internet already covers.

Also, while there are some interesting things going on in my life that I would LOVE to blog about, there would potentially be, oh, let's call them, ramifications, were I to really speak my mind or tell some of the truly interesting stories.

It's a shame, but I had to make a choice between being a) being an interesting blogger or b) pissing a lot of people off and making my life more difficult than it needs to be. And I'm not quite that heroic, all things considered. My bad.

I'm not through yet, though. The time will be right for me to write more. And I'm guessing sooner rather than later.

Anonymous said...

Ross.....It OK,good buddy. I can feel peoples frustration, thinking that blogging is a medium where by you can "Get The Word Out". And we have, in a limited sorta way. But alas it is frustrating, also because it does expose us to everyone and does put us on the spot. "STAND UP AND BE COUNTED" Nice words but when it puts your family or job in peril the reality can be a sobering experience and careful consideration should be taken. It is a cruel and evil world out there, with those that would not have any moral compunction to devouring anyone they can try to use to further their own selfish cause and make themselves look regal. But bugger up, there is a storm coming and the clouds of discontent are billowing in from the beleaguered. Like a festering boil taught with puss stretching the limits of the skin to hold it at bay any is prime to explode!

Anonymous said...

Lovely visualization there Southview.

Anonymous said...

Ya maybe.....but ain't it the truth!

Anonymous said...

One would like to think so, but we American's just don't the spirit of the fight that we did 200+ years ago. We'll just roll over and either make do or die.

Greg said...


Nah. That never happens around here. [/snark]

Then again, ramifications are likely the reason that Mr. Billings no longer posts.