Monday, November 05, 2007
The blaring issue, and seemingly the only issue of note, that has presented itself this election cycle is the need for unrestricted access to our Town Government and it's inner workings. I whole hardily agree with Eric that impediments have been put in place for the sole purpose of restricting the public access to Town documents, quite contrary to State Statutes. Any and all records generated by the Town Government are the property of the citizens, not the property of the Administration in office at the time. The citizenry should NOT be restricted just because they want to ...PEEK AT, SNOOP INTO, READ, LOOK OVER, or OTHERWISE EXAMINE any document , that is not how a Democracy works! In my personal opinion we shouldn't have to go begging to see what information could and should very easily be seen on the Town Home Page! The Town needs to change the way it treats it's citizens, the true owners of the Government and it's INFORMATION! Time to pull up the shade and let in the sunshine and open the window to let in some fresh air!
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Hear hear! (or is it Here Here?)
i have requested documents and i'll tell you that i have paid for them....the law says the city may charge a reasonable fee to research and print the documents...if eric, or anyonelse, is so interested in documents they are able to read them at city hall....exactly what documents is he so interested in?...the budget?...copy on hand at city hall....should the tax payers have to absorb the cost of making copies for someone?....go to staples they're .29 a page....color....while i understand that some may question the accuracy of documents that are not readily available all they have to do is write the ag and request that the city of na comply with the law if they feel the city is not doing so....
some of the documents eric is so concerned about may come back to bite him in the aout he interested to know what the city's stake in moca is?
To answer your questions, Chris: Eric Buddington is not requesting hardcopies of docs. He wants them online.
Among the docs in question are the assessor's database (public information) and the city ordinances (also very public). The assessor's office is saying they need to take 10 hours at $25/hr to redact the addresses of law enforcement personnel, and I have no idea why they won't give him a copy of the ordinances or post them on the city's website. Maybe they don't exist online.
But it certainly would be more convenient and more democratic to have them online. The city's investment in the website shouldn't stop with one check to Ozzie Alvarez.
The question here is not the validity of his requests, it's the City's reaction to it. They're certainly doing what seems like stalling and stonewalling and making what should probably be a simple process fairly difficult.
THAT's the problem, Chris. Nobody's trying to sock the taxpayers for anything. Eric's acknowledged the need to pay a reasonable fee for processing, but $250 for an Excel spreadsheet of public information that would probably take 20 minutes to burn a CD with? Is that reasonable?
We stopped "burning" at the CD-- (City Dump) years ago----seriously as to "burning" a CD??? does the City have the technology to do that-- doubtful---just because all computer geeks can do that- and they think everyone else is just like them-- I have news for you---most of us don't- even though we own a computer--the only thing I can burn is a cigarette--shame on me--hell I can't even burn rubber in my SUV- chbpod
i paid 250 for my copy of the ordinances....i agree the ordinances should be posted on line...that would actually save the city and people who want them money....i have used other city's online ordinances for research for things i have done on the council...that's a good idea....the problem is that it took the city how long to finally get a web site? clarks point i really don't think the computer system at city hall is even networked...the budget allots some 100k for the it department but i don't believe that department has many employees...after some 10 years in the internet age we are just getting involved....more needs to be done....but believe me when i tell you this one guy on the council ain't gonna get it done....eric has some good ideas but the way he presents them he should be running for mayor.......
Amen anon--Eric is a candidate- and we have had them before that want to function as Mayor on the City Council--now I have no idea what will happen in this election-- but if he's the only newbie-- there is the distinct possibility that anything he puts forth in ordinance form or as a resolution or as a letter for reference to a committee--if he makes a mothion to that effect-- and he did not even get a second--that would not allow discussion--- motion dies for want of a second--and can't be brought up again for a year----Council Rules- check it out---chbpod
i was able to have 2 things seconded in my first two years...the rt. 2 intersection...went to public safety then died in traffic commission...was able to get a delay but now i think that is even more dangerous than how it was....the second was a resolution to support the veterans in their drive to get va benefits in bennington.....both were seconded and here's the surprise.....with 9 votes....remember 2 years ago when chbpod predicted a lot of 8-1 votes?....not going my how time flies....point is i have been able to present issues to the other 8 councillors and the many volunteers who devote their time to serve on city boards and commissions....kind of like one "new comer" has done....take the time to get involved first, don't try to shove your agenda down someone's throat.....feed it to them and make it taste good....
Chris--at least the $250 is tax-deductible.
100K on the IT infrastructure? Yearly? Really? That include the schools too? Who has the contract, or is there a full-time employee (which would probably eat up most of that 100K budget for someone who'd be worth having in that kind of position)?
And Clark--my apologies for going all cutting-edge on you with the whole "CD burning" thing. It's only about ten years old now, but mark my words, it'll catch on one of these days.
i didn't say 100k on the infrasructure....i said 100k on the department.....and yeah the 250 is tax deductible....hey if anyone wants a copy of the budget i'll make copies for $125......
here it is....if eric wants to publish the budget online, on his site.....i have one as do the other 8 councillors.....and i do believe the city has to print x amount by law.....
Eric already has a copy on his website. He paid for it a while back.
Ross- you are probably correct about CD burning-- I originally thought that it meant lighting a fire to my CD's of the Eagles-- Eric Clapton--Emilou Harris-and the Beatles--over my cold dead stereo-----oh - just to let you know I am catching up on modern technology-- I sold a bunch of my LP's at a tag sale a few years ago--- they were still in great shape-- but I couldn't get a new styllus for the equipment----and no I don;t have a digitel camera or a cell phone and I am still on dial up----behind the times???- yeah - I know--but I don't think I have really missed anything of any importance--to you geeks- I am probably relegated to the green eye shade and quill pen era---but here I am posting on a blog-- that must account for something positive--especially when at least two of the incumbent Councilors don't even own a computer--chbpod
We have to look at this whole question and ask ourselves...."What is the reason behind the Mayor not wanting to publish this information on the Town's Web Page?" OK, trying to second guess him is not playing fair. So I will ask him here in this Blog now.
John Barrett, Mr. Mayor.....What are the reasons you don't release Town Documents for publication on the Towns Web Page and encourage your Departments to do the same?
I think the readers of this blog and the citizens of the Town deserve an answer. If he won't respond to this blog then it would be incumbent upon members of the Council to ask him that question at a meeting, in full view of the public.
The ability to scan a document into a computer is not time consuming or an expensive proposition, taking only a minute or so, and the ability to cut and paste takes less than that. Those of you that defend the current process must remember that there are those of us out here that physically can't get to Town hall, or afford the ridiculously high phony price for some documents. We rely on modern communication methods and what is now standard practice in the age of computers of posting documents on the municipal web page. Remember Town Hall isn't a store, meant to generate monies for the general fund, it is the peoples place meant to store and disseminate Town information.....without cost!
congratulations to the 2008 north adams city council.....thank you to the citizens of north adams for giving me the opportunity to represent you for two years....this isn't the end it may be a new begining.....
What's that comment about, Chris? I haven't heard any results....
i'm out
Wow, that's a bummer. Well, I voted for you, if it's any consolation...which it probably isn't....
it is...i just wish you could have voted for me 38 more times....
Congrats to chbpod and Lisa Blackmer for their win!
I am truly disappointed that CJT didn't get back in---he was a very conscientious and hard-working Councilor----and there can be victories after losses---I know- been there and done that---Chris and I simply got out-hustled by Lisa Blackmer---I knew that I would take a tumble with a low turn out-- just didn't know how far----Congrats to everyone who put their name on the ballot- chbpod
Chris, sorry to see you were out. Wish I could have voted for you, but I live in the little hamlet next door.
What an odd outcome for such an election, maybe she just has more family in the area.
I wonder if the voting public is aware what it just did. The residents of the city of NA spent the last two years and 1000's of dollars bringing a new CC member up to speed and getting a little experience under their belt - and then they just toss it away.
As POD has pointed out, replacing one member on the council will do little if anything to change the direction of NA. Now the process of bringing in a new CC member will have to start all over again. Any business person will tell you than employee turnover is extremely costly and should be avoided if at all possible (either leaving or being asked to leave).
It would make more sense to me if 3 new members were elected, but 1?
I would have to say if it was any one issue, it would have to be CJT's objection to the sale of the church. I have no facts to back this up, just a gut feeling.
i;m still trying to figure out what happened...i think the church issue may have played a small part...i also think you will see that my objection to the purchase will come full circle...i don't see the developers buying it....the council gave unweilding power to the mayor so he can now do as he pleases with the is disapointing that all of the time that i put in is wasted....
CJT nobody can accuse you of not trying to help the city. You have learned much that can be used from the outside, or if another run is in the cards, the inside.
Tremblay in '09!
I'll donate today if he's running.
i took today to sulk in my defeat....but tomorrow i'll be back to normal....i've had many compliments and calls from people who i didn't think would for the next two years i'm going to see if jb3 would be willing to appoint me to a committee or comission...again....then in '09 i'll see what's going kid will be 2 by then and who know's what i'll be doing...but i do know that i'm not going anywhere and am very proud to have been elected...according to chbpod in '09 there will be 2 open who knows....
My best guess is tha Al Marden will go out as Council Prez and not run n two years---I probablywill not run--no guarantees-- Moulton almost didn't run this time-- so I see some vacancies in 2009--could be wrong--but if that's the case--CJT is a shoo in --Eric---I don't think so-- his disdain for the community by his attitude that he is above the "fray" just doesn't sit well with the locals--and apparently the Rudinistas are not that powerful---so I see CJT making a comeback--good grief man- don;t let one set back---be a set back--it's always a learning experience--- ask me - I know that stuff--been there done that----frankly I'd like to see you on the Planning Board for the next two years--probably won't happen though--anyway I have been proud to serve as a fellow City Councilor with Chris ---he is "aces" as far as I am concerned---and Eric?? once an arrogant asshole always an arrogant asshole----and no one ever elected someone who looks and acts like Jesus Christ-----chbpod
To all those concerned....As Cris Tremblay's self appointed, non authorized Campaign Manager, I take full responsibility for his loss. I failed to bring forth any important issues that are still languishing in the background and are within the purview of the Councils ability to render an influence upon. I failed to recognize the fact that you must still engage the citizens with a vibrant campaign each and every election cycle. Being that it is against our Family nature to be "PUFFY CHESTED" and engage in "STRUTTERY", one must still present to the voters your abilities and highlight actions taken to enhance the Town while holding an office. So I apologize to Chris.
i should have campaigned time..
For the empire to prevail terror must be maintained.
well the evil empire don't terorize the red sox nation anymore so maybe you could explain.....
HELP !!!!! I just watched idiots Buddington and Lee on local access 15 and I don't know rather to laugh or puke. Talk about geeks with necks like a stack of dimes. More proof that liberalism is a mental disorder. Got to love the lap tops...all you need now is a backwards ball cap !
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