You gotta be kidding me? The nit wit in the White House really does want to start WWlll. What is mentally wrong with him? Worse yet, what is wrong with us for letting him stay in office? Isn't there some sort of psychological test we can give him to prove the President is INSANE? Talk about your SPOOKY SHIT! We may all be DEAD by this time next year.
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If W thinks that Iran is the military and geo-political equivalent to Nazi Germany, he is wacked.
When the Iranians invade Poland and start sinking our merchant ships while bombing London, then I will see the parallel. Until that time, the wackos in Tehran are only as powerful as we make them. And George wants them to be very powerful for reasons that I can only begin to guess.
This damn mentally retarded president wants to get into it with the world. He is so desperate for a positive legacy that he figures if he can't have one, than nobody will! People I ain't makin this shit up.....It's for real.....He wants to start World War III, and I am scared shitless. The man is unstable, and that is being kind to him. Do any of you have one of those bomb shelters built in the 50's in your yard? I'll bring my own beer!
I'm no apologist for the man who stole the last couple of elections, but to be fair, Jack, he never said he wanted to start WW3. The quote:
"We've got a leader in Iran who has announced that he wants to destroy Israel, so I've told people that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested in preventing them from having the knowledge necessary to make a nuclear weapon."
He's mental about the fact that Iran's having a nuke would start WW3, that's for sure. Borderline delusional, paranoid, stubborn, and unable to grasp complexities? Absolutely. But just cuz he says "World War 3" in a quote doesn't mean he WANTS it.
Right conclusion, wrong argument.
To be absolutely fair Ross, it doesn't mean dubya is calling for it, its hard to tell what he wants.
Knowing what the world reaction to that phrase coming out of the US President's mouth would be, it could very well be a backhanded way to get what he wants.
Why don't you crybaby assholes get your head out of your ass and take a good look at what is going on. It was your "boy" Jimmy Carter that sold out the Shaw Of Iran and look what we have now.Don't you hate filled idiots ever listen to this clown who runs Iran? He wants to destroy The Jewish state who by the way is armed with many nukes.Is That what you want? If it ever comes down to that level I hope the Jews nuke Mecca and then these subhumans and their stone age religion will come to an end.
Yeah, snoop, you hate-filled idiot. Your boy and the Shaw? What were you thinking?
There is little reason to believe that Iran would act any differently under the doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction than any other geographically defined political state.
And it was the Shaw himself who allowed the Ayatollah Khomeni back into Iran. Not Carter. But don't let facts get in your way.......
Ross.....The inference of his statement is that if they won't stop their bomb building than he (King George) would have no problem starting a war with them. And by doing so of course would drag into the war, the rest of the world. I think that is a fair statement that He wants to start WW III.
I'd say that what he meant is that unless we stop Iran from building nukes, they'll lob one over to Israel, thereby starting WW3.
Cuz Eye-ran is eevul and they hate freedum. Y'see when a guy runnin' a cuntry says he's mad at another cuntry, and hes got nucular weapons, then, blowin up stuff, and WMDs, and Japan got blown up back in 1955, so...fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, we won't get fooled again. Unnerstand?
Ross... I know that when King George speakith, it be so! And he did throw down the gauntlet. I dare you...I double dare you!
Did we covertly nuke um again in 1955? We are such bastards.
Silly me, I told my boy Jimmy to stick with the peanuts - he never listened to me.
what all of you have missed is the fact that the press loaded the question and the president did all he could to prevent saying the obvious....we are on our way to soon as turkey hits iran this shit is on.....and we're it or not....ctrem
Well CJT-- if you are correct--- I guess we won't have to worry about windmills anymore--- or polar bears--or early retirement or universal health care--or separation of church and state--or political correctness--I sure wish I still had my Remington 870 (12 guage)- Wingmaster pump-- modified choke-- maybe I should see about getting me another one---and a bunch of Federal Arm buckshot and deer slugs-----chbpod
as soon as turkey hits iran this shit is on.....and we're it or not....ctrem
I presume you mean Iraq. Turkey isn't going to invade Iran any time soon.
If Turkey should pursue the PKK into Iraq, I doubt very much that the US Military will defend the PKK. My guess is that there will be a lot of handwringing and "tense negotiations" and lots of dead people. But there will be no Americans shooting at the Turkish Army or vice-versa.
The real fallout will be the effects of the invasion on the Iraqi central government. Could Turkey's actions actually make the central gov't stronger by uniting the Sunni-Shia-Kurds as "Iraqis?" Or will it show the weakness of the Gov't and precipitate its collapse?
And if the Gov't collapses, does the US clamp down and reinstate a provisional authority to try this whole Iraqi Constitutional or do we get the hell out of a failed-state civil war?
iraq....iran.... what's the's still ww3
iraq....iran.... what's the's still ww3
It's ignorance like that that got us into the current predicament. Classic.
None of you get it! It has nothing to do with Freedom, Justice, Soventry of Nations, or any of the values you and I live by in our normal world. In George Bushes world all that is relivent is MONEY and POWER. That is his reality, that is his world. He will keep fueling the Military Industrial Complex as long as he can, even to the point where he blows up the world around him by starting WWIII. After all what does he care? He will be safely tucked away in a bunker someplace riding out the destruction to emerge after words as if nothing happened, writting history himself so he will look to be the GREATEST LEADER IN HISTORY. And who will be left to challenge him? George Bush is insane!
what i'm trying to point out is that turkey is now involved...isreal is bombing is only a matter of time before this thing turns into ww3 and we are there....we're not leaving, we can't leave...wether or not one likes w has nothing to do with it...what would hillary do?... someone call al gore those nukes are going to be contributing a to climate change...
If there is WW3 we better hope it goes full bore nuclear. To be on this planet after a limited nuclear event would the worst scenario of all. We all be waiting around for nuclear radiation poisoning to eventually take its toll in the form of birth defects, gene mutations, and cancer. Contaminated soil and water to feed the world's population and global martial law are not something I would want to be around to say "I told you so" for. Personally if it goes nuclear, I want to be in the right place at the right time to catch one those things with my bare hands.
Greg you asshole.Carter sold out the Shaw and only a fucking idiot liberal would say otherwise.Being a liberal goes hand in hand with being a shameless liar.Does the name Nevil Chamberlin ring a bell?
You should really post under your own name. Your writing style gives you away. Heh.
And as I said, it wasn't Carter who allowed the Ayatollah back into Iran out of exile from London. It was the Shaw himself. Maybe the Shaw should have pulled an "Aquino" at the airport, but he was too stupid to figure out the endgame.
You can claim that Carter's lack of financial support for the Shaw contributed to his undemocratic government's downfall because the Shaw's own "subjects" hated his imposed dictatorship that was created out of the interests of BP and the CIA only a few decades prior. Or you can say that Jimmy Carter was in Munich and signed over Czechoslovakia.
You choose.
Oh, and Carter allowed the Shaw into the US to escape likely trial and execution, and to visit the Mayo Clinic. That doesn't exactly sound like betrayal to me, but what do I know. I only cook for a living.
Oh, and it's spelled Chamberlain you supposed expert.
Oh...pardon me Mr.Liberal.I don't cross my "eyes" or dot my T's so everything I say is shit? Sounds a lot like the RAG known as the Transcript.Who is your proof reader??? Ray Charles????
No, but you attack people and call them names over stupid shit and when they return the favor, you cry "no fair". WATB.
I can't believe that we are having this conversation.
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