Monday, October 15, 2007


On this Halloween Season all the, and I am using the term loosely, "NEWS", seems to be really Spooky.

You have Idaho proclaiming their favorite son Larry Craig worthy of induction into their "Hall of Shame". (for a good laugh visit.....( What is wrong with these people?.....

Then you have the Queers proclaiming that their life style is just normal behavior and they should be allowed all the rights and benefits allowed to a Man and a Women joined in marriage. So far Massachusetts seems to be the only state that the politicians have caved in to this bull shit line. And what is really creepy and spooky is that they are keeping the citizen from expressing their true feelings on the issue. Why? They are making us look really stupid to the rest of the country. What's wrong with these people?.....

Next you have a government gone mad with greed and power. And those we elected completely ignoring the wishes of the citizens and actually working hard against them. Now that is Weird and Creepy and really Spooky. What is wrong with these people?.....

Oh we can go on and on and on, but why bore you with what you can watch on the tele 24/7. What I am proposing is a party of sorts, on the front lawn of the town hall, it is a public place and we do own it, and it is one of our constitutional rights to assemble on public owned land. Maybe even the mayor will join us during his lunch hour for a frosty one? There will be no band or entertainment just a bunch of concerned citizens sitting in lawn chairs sucking down their favorite beverage and watching the Country and all it stands for .......Going to Hell!

Now we have to be careful because with the "NEW POWERS" given up to the SHADOW GOVERNMENT we just may be seen as terrorist by the politicians.....and there is nothing that strikes terror in the hearts of politicians more than the citizens standing together. Bring your green card, or whatever documentation illegals can buy, to prove you are legal, in case we are pounced upon.

So let me know what is a good day for you. I am to understand that "OLD COOT" just may float in for a visit. Now that would really be.................. SPOOKY!


Ross said...

Jack--I thought you were above this level of petty bigotry.

Just because gays do things you find distasteful doesn't mean there's anything inherently wrong with them. Gays getting married has absolutely, positively, ZERO effect on you or any other heterosexual, married, closeted, or not.

You seem pretty big on the whole "live and let live" philosophy, but you have this big problem with apparently not just gay marriage, but gays themselves. What's the matter, man? Where does this Republican-like mindless hate come from?

Greg said...

Remember Jack, Larry Craig says he is not gay. And by most measures, the anti-gay marriage amendment to the Commonwealth's Constitution would have gone down in flames at the ballot box.

I find insurance companies, investment banks and the oil industry to be a far more spooky specter than the notion of civil marriage rights for gays and lesbians.

But if you're buying, I'll join on the lawn of city hall for a beer while the pentagon and the FBI snoop through our library records and bank accounts.

Southview said...

Ross...I don't hate queers. What I find offensive is the fact that they want their actions sanctified by making it a legal issue and professing to be just normal folk. They are not. Their winky juice was not made to be wasted on turd turkeys. What they do is their business, but don't try to pawn it off as love and marriage of the normal kind and try to reap the benefits reserved for a man and women trying to raise a normal family.

Greg.....We'll never know will we? They weren't giving us the chance to voice our opinion, just in case they were wrong, which they were!..... They are snooping as we speak!

Ross said...

First off, I'm wondering whether it's red or white wine that goes with winky juice and turd turkey.

Second, I find deer hunting way more offensive than two guys doin' it, but I still don't think we should deny hunters their civil rights based on whatever legal activity in which they choose to participate...regardless of how I personally feel about it.

You can sit there and pronounce what you think is "normal" and what isn't, but look it up, amigo--normality has nothing to do with legality. In fact, a lot of laws are passed to protect the not-normal among us from the tyranny of the majority.

Just tease apart your obvious moral judgments from the legal issues here. Marriage is contract law; leave sanctity issues to your church and let the state do what it does best...whatever that is.

Southview said...

Ross...It is served with a big glass of the "warm yellow wine at body temperature."!!
And what is wrong with hunting? Why do you find hunting offensive, I'm curious? To get off the track for just a minute here. I don't agree with the macho man "I'm Gonna Kill Me Sumptin Because It Is The Manley Man Thing To Do And I Gonna Prove Me A Macho Man" hunter type. But hunting for wild meat, nothing you can purchase at the market, is not a bad thing. Have you ever been to a Game Supper? Anyway we will save this conversation for another time.
I do believe here Ross, that the law is on my side. Mass. General Laws Chapter 272 - Sections 34 & 35. It would seem that they do indeed clarify what is legally normal behavior and what is legally unnatural behavior and do consider such acts a crime.
So in defense of my argument you must agree that a marriage between queers is an unnatural act, being that the purpose of marriage is procreation and furthering the gene pool of humanity, of which queers are not able to accomplish on their own, such as a man and a woman can. There by making such unions against the laws of nature its self and by the laws of Massachusetts a crime!

Ross said...

I have in fact been to game suppers. Both Tara and I were at Mr. Lescarbeau's here at the Elks club last winter, and I enjoyed the bear, venison, moose, and wild boar served there. Greg and I had the hunting conversation previously, but a brief recap is that it's just pretty much shootin-n-killin, wrapped inside weak "thinning the herd" and "I eat the meat" arguments. But:

MGL 272.34 and 35 provide for prosecution of "crimes against nature" and "unnatural and lascivious acts". Obviously you're in a declining minority who thinks that consensual homosexual acts fit into either one of those buckets, and legally, you're not really standing on the bag here. Read:

Good thing the SJC never thought of that argument in Goodridge vs DPH, or all those supreme court justices would just have had all them lez-bos arrested right there on the spot, eh?

Anonymous said...

At last a post that makes sense.Now lets look at the root cause of this garbage being spoon fed to the kids in school.It is liberalism plain and simple and it can only come from the shamless liars known as democRATS. Is it any wonder that people from other states look down their nose at the Peoples Republic Of Massachusetts? Isn't it sad that most people feel the same way as you do but are afraid to speak up? Whats next? gay job quotas?

Greg said...

Reddi has a wide stance.

Southview said...

I have previously read the decisions of the court...and I stand by my own judgment and the judgment of the majority of the rest of the human population, of what is right and what is wrong under the laws of nature. The court was stretching the letter to the limit(under very heavy political pressure) to the point that they ignored and then, as an after though for self protection, tried to redefine the general perception and purpose of marriage, as perceived by all societies from the beginning of any celebration of the ceremony where the joining of a man and a women were practiced. To be brief.....the court dropped the ball.
Look, I know there have always been queers and their probably always will be. They are a fact of every land and society. But I fervently maintain, and not in a negative way, that they have serious mental and/or medical defects that are not of their own volition. And with proper treatment they can be cured and return to a normal lifestyle. Werther their treatment resolves the dilemma as to their true sex and corrects the anomaly is up to science.
I don't hate queers because they are queer but I detest those that profess that it is just normal behavior within the laws of nature and there is nothing queer about it and so they deserve all the rights and benefits of what is reserved to a man and a woman joined in marriage.
You can gather a room full of slicked tonged lawyers and I will guarantee that when they are done the color black will turn into the color white, legally speaking!

Anonymous said...

The Bible clearly says "Thou shall not take it in the seat".

Anonymous said...

southview...what about those non "queers" who behind closed doors do things that are not considered normal under the law? should we outlaw marriage of couples who are into disgusting fetishes? why should we give a heterosexual couple the right to marry if they are into coprophilia?
this is where your argument against gay marriage falls apart. sure, it isn't normal, but sexually, what is?

Anonymous said...

LoL I came upon this by accident, but I can't resist adding my two cents regarding 'southview's' views on 'queers', which in definition means 'not usual' as well as an insult to a homosexual, be it a male or female (lesbian). Granted, we are all entitled to our opinions. I love this country. I wanted to make a few points, one being is why does southview, in referring to 'queers' only refers to 'male queers' and not 'female queers'? Hmm....I detect a male homophobe, not just someone stating their opinion on marriage laws. That said, I am a straight female who is an adult entertainment operator, phone sex. Yep, I have a college degree, but I found I make much much much more money taking calls from men who pay me to talk dirty to them. ALL kinds of men, and you wouldnt believe how many men over the years have admitted to me that they presented themselves as highly homophobic to their buddies, family etc, but secretly desire to experience or Do experience sexual activity with other men. Hmm. Yep, I've talked to thousands of men. Laborers, Judges, Lawyers, Actors, Husbands, Fathers..Most of them.."Queer". I don't mean in the 'gay way', I mean in the unusual things they want to talk about to get off on. In closing, why do people fixate (when speaking of homosexual, again, homosexual men only. 'They' keep forgetting the gals, maybe because most men think two gals together, well, Thats 'ok'), people fixate on the 'sexual' aspect of the gay relationship and not the emotional. Me, being a 'straight' woman, has had sexual experiences with other women, but I am not 'gay/homosexual', Why? Because I personally couldn't have an 'emotional' relationship (other than a platonic friendship) with another woman...but I sure can share pleasure with er if the mood strikes. This doesnt make me 'bi-sexual' either. Bi-sexual people claim they could have the same emotional relationship with either a man or woman. Hmmm..Maybe southview's 'queer', as in unusual views stem from.................