Now that you people made me stay up way past my bed time last night, I'll have to nap several times today to catch up.
There were several good issues brought up that the citizens in general seem to have on their minds. The lady that called about affordable housing for one. I think her question went over the heads of the candidates for the most part. She was referring to the fact that there are no, just plain ordinary, run of the mill affordable descent apartments available in the Town. She was just stating that your only choices are section 8 housing or an overpriced (us to be affordable apartment house) Condo. The candidates didn't want to engage the question other than relegate it to a matter for the private sector. Common people.....who that lived and worked in the area all their lives and now are close to, or at retirement age could possibly afford a Condo? And most blaring was the revelation that in order to get into a section 8 affordable apartment you would have to live another lifetime because the line is so long. Doesn't that fact alone sound alarms that we have a problem that the Council should be addressing?
Another issue bantered about was the Downtown Area. Benches again were a big issue. Chris Tremblay answered informatively and reflects the citizens desires as well as the business community's agreement, that they are a good idea. Contrary to one councilors snide and typically uninformed remark, that there are plenty of benches already. I thought that comment was more lackiesum than informative and beyond the scope of the discussion pertaining to the Downtown and just showed complete dissociation with the reality of the desires of the citizens for the Downtown.
Clark Billings was another one of the bright spots answering head on the questions. Giving his well informed personal opinion and suggestions rather than the prepackaged, cleared through the Corner Office answers.
Two of the new candidates impressed me. They seem well informed and dedicated and would be an asset to the council.
Now after all that said, I am still very confused. Just WHAT is the Councils function?
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and I never let you see me sweat--actually it was hotter than I anticipated---for one I had a long sleeve collared jersey on plus my tweed jacket----there may also have been more lights on than I use on my show--- plus 12 candidates sitting in close proximity and two moderators - three camera people and two reporters sitting in the back of the room----that's quite a few bodies emitting body heat---I thought it went pretty well--and since most if not all of us had submittedd written (e-mail) or phone responses to questions for the Transcript Profiles as well as iberkshires taped interviews (apparently they haven't been posted yet---most of us had some degree of rehearsal as the questions were pretty much the same---as far as the caller (same woman twice) and according to Glenn's editorial in tonight's "T" she was even a NA voter----as to affordable let's say working/middle class housing---private sector--is the correct answer--the City is not going to own and operate a housing complex--so it's pretty much left to the private sector -----frankly I don;t know what she rerally means by affordable housing-- affordable for whom---low end subsidized or high end condos----or all the other duplex- three family etc. apartments that are part of the housing stock--some good --some bad
The city can sweeten deals for developers to include certain types of housing in future projects.
And I have concluded that the role of *this* council is to only do things that the mayor wants them to do. Pretty simple, really.
Take benches for example. The council could pass an ordinance that would allow benches. The Mayor would veto it. But there would be a public discussion surrounding the issue and perhaps the voters would have a better understanding of the issue the next time it came around.
It'll never happen with the current crew.
It's no big secret that nothing will happen unless the it is the Mayor's idea or the Mayor can take credit for it. And eight of the current nine councilors are either too scared to challenge that notion or think that their charter-defined role is simply that of an yea or nay vote.
And when was the last time anything, anything at all, was actually defeated in council? Have they even voted down a hack license?
When the vast majority simply "goes along to get along" there is no discourse; public engagement is limited (intentionally?) and the end result is a foregone conclusion.
Hell there was only a couple true acts of defiance all year, and since each time it was one or two councilors (Billings who voted against the all-or-nothing budget and Boucher who opposed the temporary asphalt plant) these nay votes didn't mean squat.
Little discussion. No debate. No community engagement or outreach.
It's no wonder that Williamstown, with only a fraction of our number of residents, has more voters show up at the polls. Don't call it contentment when nobody cares. It's called apathy.
I'm sorry Greg- I must have missed the meeting where you took the time to address the Council under Open Forum----that's called outreach--- and I never really supported the concept to begin with-- because in days of yore it was a constant bitch session about the Mayor--you are so great at sniping but I never see you putting yourself on the firing line--oh yes- sorry you used to have some occasional op-ed pieces in the Transcript--- nothing for quite a while--wonder why---don't know the answer- maybe you can enlighten me---but it seems that you're just another one of those-- can't put up but also can't shut up kind of guys---I know you'd prefer to live in Billsville--sorry you can't afford it---hack (taxi) licenses--- as long as the applicant has been screened by the police department - it is pretty much pro forma---these are usually licenses to drive--and the applicants are usually pretty transcient--don;t last too long--that's why we have a semmingly unending proiliferation of applicants---a licens to drive is not an ownership license---that's an operator's license----let's see--- dangerous dogs ordinance----resolution last week on driving while using a cell phone----some new taxi regs---none initiated by the Mayor----if Channel -whatever wants to interview me on Iraq- the Federal budget-- or confirmation of an Attornet General-- I am available---not on the Council floor-- and as I recall Barrett's interview was not on the Council floor--your problem is that you don;t have a platform---a soapbox-- that must be very frustrating to you---it just shows your blindness when you site two councilors gaving a no vote-- and saying that it doesn;t mean "squat"--actually Marden and Tremblay voted no on the cell phone deal and Tremblay voted no on the Notre Dame deal---you want "community engagement"? then get up off your sorry ass and come to Council meetings-- you have two minutes to speak under open forum on any issue---orif there is an agenda item- that you are interested in you get to speak on that----I guess you're just an apron type of guy--figures--trying to ascertain his manehood--well take of the freakin' apron-- and get out of the kitchen---you are such a chucklehead---chbpod
I came to more council meetings in the past two years (5, if I recall and I watched several more on local access) than 99.9% of North Adams.
The one time that someone had anything at all to say in the open forum, various councilors decided to give speeches about "hate".
Yep. You guys are a welcoming bunch.
And yea! 2 more nay votes in two years!!!! What courage! You should be so proud.
The perplexing thing about you, specifically, is that you have the ability to be independent, but you more than make up for anything positive by being an embarrassment.
well you got me on that Open Forum thingie----Councilor's are not supposed to respond to comments made during Open Forum--as far as "hate" is concerned I don't recall any Councilor responding to
anything said at Open Forum-- at all- let alone "hate"---again maybe I missed that meeting---well you obviously confuse my blogging peronna with what I do on the City Council floor---and I have never seen myself-- nor have any-- or at least many ever seen my Council personna as an embarassment----and to whom am I an embarassment?? to the apron frocked- neer-do well???- who no longer runs a lunch room on Spring street and is now relegated to making muffins for Wild Oats --of course maybe that is a step up---I know little about your trade (excuse me- profession)--so you came to five council meetings--again I must have missed all of those- because I never remember you addressing the Council on any subject whatsoever---you blather a lot on your blog and on others----but when it comes time to step up to the plate--at a Council meeting-- you appear to be batless--chbpod
If you would like me to address the council, I will. (Usually I just sit in the back and watch.)
If you want to claim multiple personality disorder, I will be happy to let your fellow councilors and the residents of this city know what you're like when you think no one is watching.
Oh, ask Clr. Bloom about the hate speech. Perhaps you were sleeping.
you are such a chucklehead---chbpod
10:45 PM************ I been saying that for weeks and they say I am a....well you know what they say about we Republicans.
Let's not miss the irony of reddi being afraid to show his face or use his name to agree with post from Clark that I have not been publicly vocal enough to justify my criticisms.
(But I'd bet that Reddi has already been busted once before for posting pseudonymously.)
Busted....what a warped way to look at it.Ever hear of freedom to say what one wants? Typical liberal what more can I say? I bet your type wouldn't know how to be happy and enjoy life any more than you would admit that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Could it be he......again?
Typical liberal
Typical Coward.
Nobody is going to throw you in the gulag if they don't like your views. And King George III isn't going to hang you either.
I have no problem with pen names when they espouse ideas. But when people hide behind them when they attack others, I have little tolerance for them.
Popping onto the comments of people's blogs and acting like this is a thread on (DemocRATS, etc....) isn't going to win you any respect.
Greg- frankly I was unaware that you had ever attended a Council meeting- sine I have never met you and only have a very vague and blurred memory of your photo that accompanied some of your op-ed peices a couple of years ago--so I apologize for accusing you of not coming to Council meetings---as far as addressing the Council --yes you have criticized the Council on these blogs-- but what I was trying to get at in my earlier post--is-- other than your general criticisms of the Mayor and Council--I was curious to know on what Mayoral initiatives we should have voted NO and what specific initiatives the Council should have developed----oh yes you are correct that Mike Bloom made some comments about "hate" speech- I think durimg the Councilor's Concerns- part of the aganda after the Open Forum presentation of a Bush impeachment----I suspect that maybe one of the "issues" that you think the Council should have undertaken for full discussion and debate was impeachment--beyond that what specifically---for example since you're voting for Eric Buddington--you have probably already visited his campaign website-- what of his proposals--that certainly differentiate his candidacy from most of the rest of us---would you endorse? maybe we could discuss "merits" and not personalities- for a change--- and someone tell Reddi Kilowatt that I am not a Republican-chbpod
RESPECT???? What the hell do I look like??? Rodney Dangerfield maybe? I don't want respect from those I hold in contempt you democRAT. And I do not even know what this New Republic crap you speak about is.
I gotta go now I got a bunch of crank phone calls to catch up on.
Whiny ass ti**y baby.
Well Reddi-- we not only don't know what you look like-- we don;t even know who you are---most of the posters use their first name-- and also have a link to themselves--Moi?? no I don;t dont-- but everyone who posts on this and other local blogs knows what ---chbpod--- stands for--but that' s really Ok Da Snoop not only posts but has his own blog and nobody that I know has a clue as to who he is----but Reddi- don;t EVER confuse me with a Republican-last State election-- I voted a straight Democratic ticket--sorry that i did -but I did-- chbpod
Better check your Ip address log before you start more rumours...
...Mine is forgot to add it...
You IP is quite wierd, Andy. It's alpha version contains Springfield, MA, yet it's numeric emanates from Hazelton, PA.
Someone who understands these things better than I might want to explain how whois gives such conflicting results... Snoop?
i don't recall anyone acusing andy of being redi killowat....
Greg----on "hack" licenses----I don't recall ever voting down a license to drive a cab---why should we? chbpod
Hack licenses was just an example of how the run-of-the-mill unanimous nature of the council. It was not the best example.
However, I can *privately* cite a least a one example where the police either failed to uncover a DUI or the company is hiring a driver under the table. I don't care to make this accusation publicly without more info, though.
Andy - My comment on the IP was not an accusation, just a puzzlement. Perhaps you are using a cellular modem?
Pardon the poor syntax pf the previous post. I assume that you can figure out what I meant. I guess that is what the preview button is for.
taxi licenses are so mundane....if the police department failed to uncover a dui....what do you want them to do a csi's on them not the council....the turnover rate on these things is so high that they are lucky if they can get a driver at all...the council has, at the behest of the city clerk, implemented new rules for the taxi license process...the truth is there really hasn't been that many high interest items that have come before the council....the one item i recall seeing more than the regular skeleton crew at was the meeting in regard to the temporary blacktop plant at the transfer station...a lot of residents from the neighborhood came that night and spoke about their feelings on it.....that brought out a lot of questions from the council...we were able to get a definate time frame and hours of operation...something most of the residents were concerned about....those wern't included in the original request...we as a council brought forth questions and they were answered....hopefully in the best interest of those concerned...the citizens....
Geezus Greg you just know more than anyone else--why aren't you Mayor??--or God???---or Police who do the backgroumd check- sign off on a taxi driver--- we accept--- how would we have any better info---but of course you know everything that goes on--- you got an unlicensed taxi driver??? give us the info-- we'll close down that whole operation--and that taxi company is out of business---go ahead be an informant---give us the straight info------chbpod
Ya know Greg-- I think we have approved a license or licenses for taxi drivers who had an OUI on their record---but were nevertheless OK'd by the Police Department--- I seem to recall one case where the taxi applicant was in his 40's and had had an OUI while in his late teens or early 20's----OK'd by the NAPD--since it was old and there had been no subsequent violations--but if you have something more--please feel free to give it to us---and while we are at it----I asked in a previous post- that since you intend on voting for Eric Buddington---just which of his campaign planks do you endorse---if you can identify any-- why do you endorse them and what ones do you not endorse----you also havne't told us what Mayor's initiatives that you would have had the Council shoot down and just what initiatves the Council should have brought to the floor on its own----you have a knack for not answering direct questions----and evading them by re-directing the focus---such as on taxis------if you have a legitimate complaint -please let us know----otherwise- you are just another blow-soft---chbpod
Two issues of Eric's that resonate with me - 1) Easier hazardous waste drop-off at the landfill. (I've got bunch of things like old paint stripper, etc... that would be nice to get rid of.) 2) The movement of all public records to an accessible environment. If I am not mistaken, he is still waiting for a copy of local ordinances after several months. That's just silly.
And every time I see that taxi-cab doubling as a school bus with someone I know *spent time in jail for a DUI* behind the wheel, I wonder what the hell people like you are thinking.
And Clark, I highly recommend *you* run for mayor so you will actually have to campaign on your record rather than sit on your ass and win because the first 9 names on that ballot almost always win.
But the first nine names do not always win----take the taxi issue up with the police-they give the clearance---give me a sit on my ass name and I'll check it out---I'll keep you out of it---I don't disagree with ther toxic waste issue---twice a year would be better than every other---oh I did run for Mayor once--campaigned hard on mt record and didn't sit on my ass----actually I fully expect to get beat this time---sometimes I do and sometimes I don't--chbpod
Nope. You'll win. Turn out will be so low that one floor of the highrise could cement the victory.
Ha Ha Greg---you do have a sense of humor--you could be right-- but usually low turn-outs don't help- me ---I really don't have an organization or a lot of contacts---through clubs and organizations--church-etc--I usually do better when there's a contested Mayor's race----and the turn out is high-- of course two exceptions to that idea are 1995 and 1997----and as far as a lackluster campaign--I'm probably the worst of lusterlacks------but since I haven't been feeling well for weeks (seem to be improving) but still undergoing tests--I haven't had the strength or energy to do a more active campaign---I see that you and Vinnie Melito have become buddies----I forgot all about the Marion Ave connection---it'll be interesting to see how much clout he still has---his disendorsement could actually help me----we shall see----and I will know pretty much where I stand or fall in looking at the first ward returns---take the highest vote getter (probably Alcombright) and If I have above 50% of his total-- I am probably in-- less than 50%? I am probably out--(50% seems to be the threshold for 9th place)-win or lose- I usually run pretty much the same across the 5 wards--last election I had 2/3 of Alcombright's vote-when the first ward reported--and that was pretty much the same across all five wards---I think I ran 6th overall-- but 7th in one or two wards--I don't think I hit fifth anywhere---
---sure I would be disappointed-- but I have had disappointments before---right now?? Sox win the Series- Pats beat the Colts and my Seminoles beat the Eagles--- Celtics are looking pretty good too---life goes on---you guys seem more obsessed in getting me out than I am in getting back in-----good luck to you-- and good luck to all the candidates-----chbpod
you have a knack for not answering direct questions----and evading them by re-directing the focus---such as on taxis------+++++++++++++++++++ That is living proof that like all democRATS he is a shameless liar. And The Idiot Melito ought to take up thin ice fishing. I remember the gang of four or was it five...after that you shot your self in the foot Mr. Vinney. You couldn't get elected to dog catcher.
For the record, I met Vinnie for the first time last Wednesday at a neighbor's Halloween gathering. I was there about 20 minutes and spoke with Mr. Melito for maybe 4 or 5 minutes.
It might shock you that the subject of local politics did not come up. We talked about an assault that occurred around the corner a little while back and about our neighborhood.
Did he endorse somebody? I haven't looked at today's paper, yet. Too much work here at the store. (13 hours and counting so far!)
That's too funny. I just checked the Transcript's web site and saw Mr. Melito's letter. Because he used the word "embarrassment" I can see how you might think that I had something to do with it, but you'd be wrong.
My letter to the editor regarding this election never made it out of my computer.
Unlike Mr. Melito, I would have cited specific evidence to back up my words- Things like telling me "get the hell out of town" and some of your more flamboyant comments about various members of the community and larger political arena.
So you say Greg--- it is possible that it is a coincidence--I can't say otherwise-- but the use of words by Melito was very similar to some of yours---and since that infamous letter was published 12 years ago and I have been re-elected 4 times since my debacle in 1995--- why is it surfacing here in 2007 and not any of the prior elections???? there are some folks in cahoots here----Melito's letter could have been published any of the preceding years-- but wasn't and the wording was very close to your's---he said a "few years" -- well 12 is usually considered to be more than a few----I guess what disturbs me the most is that the Editor published letters the day before an election--- that certainly is not consistant with- with prior practice-- although that may have been policy under previous editors---"cheap shot" you bet-- no room for rebuttal---but we shall see-----Melito's attack letter could be the greatest thing that happens to me in this election--could put me over the top (of number 10)--chbpod
The letter resurfaced when it did because I went to the library and looked it up after talking to one of the parties involved in the 1995 dust-up. That was around February.
Posting it this close to the election will have no effect beyond the 50-100 regular readers of the blog, many of whom do not live in North Adams. So at most we're talking a few votes, maybe.
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