Friday, September 14, 2007


With all the weird (art...?) (and I use that term very, very loosely) displayed at Moca, wouldn't a WINDMILL or two or three fit in ever so nicely? And the hub of a WiFi System? After all they were sold to us as not only as a progressive art center but also as a technology center. The latter of which we have yet to see. This would be a great way to fill that void! Hell... with all their financial backing and influence in the money machine the cost would be nothing to us. The arts community could gather their collective talents together and make the windmills look like the worlds tallest trees, and the WiFi look like metal spiders. Wow.....maybe I should become an TECH-NO ar-tist myself after coming up with this one? Of course the Artisans (the real artists) would have to do all the real work, all I have to do is come up with the idea..... and take the credit!


Anonymous said...

Geez Louise- you want windmills all over the place- ridge lines (yuck) and now Mass Moca--- never work-----doesn't get enough wind---too protected from wind from the west by the ridge behind it---forget wind it doesn;t have any viability except in returning profits to the developer---except in those isolated cases such as Jimminy Peak- where they can use the electricity for their resort----and it doesn't destroy the visual character of the mountain--- they've already done that with lifts and trails--chbpod

Anonymous said...

I have a better idea. Why don't you get a job ?

Anonymous said...

Ideas for solar on the roofs and also splendid gardens on the roofs went nowhere. 1. Too expensive 2. Too weighty. What I really want to know is, where are the swans in the flood-control chutes and the murals on the concrete walls? Don't give up the technology ship. They've got at least five more buildings to go.

Southview said...

chbpod...You left yourself wide open for this one and it was ohhhh ever so tempting that I couldn't resist: "The Windmills would run on all the hot air coming from the corner office!"

Anonymous said...

Yeah Southview- that could work---and we could have a compost heap from your bullshit--LOL--you probably emit more methane than cows- chbpod

Southview said...
