What seems at this point to be eons ago, the GREAT DECIDER - KING GEORGE, stated that even if only him and his dog that were left supporting the IRAQ WAR that he would still surge onward, sending our sons and daughters to die in a needless war. Well Guess what?.....
At this point in time it doesn't take a mental giant to see what HIS ROYAL HINDASS is trying to do. If he can keep the war going long enough so that He and his Henchmen have time to slither outta office, then it will be (He Thinks) not his responsibility. Ergo: I was winning so history will give me the accolades I deserve and My place on a pedestal next to the other great men.....Ronnie The Rat, Tricky Dicky, Abe, and Jesus Christ! And whoever comes after me will be blamed for the WAR!
A question?.....If Georgie came to your place looking for employment and he handed you his resume...( which does not include one single accomplishment on his own. But rather a patchwork of failed ventures and decisions, that without being pulled from the fire by Good Old Dad or an Oil Barron from Saudi Arabia, would you hire HIM?
It is time to IMPEACH GEORGE BUSH and put his cronies in jail, where they belong! The man is nothing more than a spoiled rich frat brat that thinks he is not part of the society but above it and it's laws, a society unto himself answerable to no one....where did we see this before? When are you stupid people going to get smart?
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I have to agree.
I haven't quite understood the logic that if the Democrats try to impeach the man, there will be a backlash against him. This is valid if he has half the country's support, but, jeez, he's got like a 25% approval rating! How much better a backdrop is there to do the right thing?
And sometimes, isn't it better to do the right thing even if you have fears about the consequences of your actions? Wouldn't it speak volumes if the Democrats made a move like that for a change?
He's only continued his steady pace of disgusting heinous actions since the Democrats took over - it hasn't gotten any better. And if anyone believes he's doing this for the smaller two-presidential terms scenario, you're blind. No one goes to this much effort so they can pack up and go home at the end of it.
I disagree, no surprise huh. My feeling is that the blame for the continuing of the Iraq War now rests on the shoulders of those congressmen and women who refuse to think for themselves and continue to toe the party line.
Bush is not accountable, not because he is above the law, but because the law refuses to rise up and pull him back.
When the country still had it's rose colored glasses on and believed the lies of the white house, one could hardly blame the congress - they would have been going against the will of the people. But now the will says get the hell out, but still they refuse.
Impeaching Bush would make us all feel better, but would it really solve any problems? Impeaching Cheney, might produce better results. But at the end of it all, who replaces the impeached?
Also impeachment will only heighten the already unbearable partisan bickering. The best way to bring down a house is remove its foundation. So if you can find a congressman or woman to vote for that hasn't already soiled themselves over the issues of the past eight years. Make some noise for them.
NO ONE replaces the impeached--read the God Damn Constitution---chbpod
Excuse me, if convicted - I think the general use of impeachment is that if someone is impeached they are removed from office. Not technically correct I know.
That's the problem-- almost everyone thinks that if a President is impeached he is then removed from office---it's a very common misunderstanding---for example both Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached- but they were not removed from office--maybe the historian in me is working over time on this-- but I have seen numerous letters to the editor over the past couple of years calling for the impeachment of GWB and or Cheney---and it shows a lot of ignorance of the process-----frankly the major "charges" are that Dubya lied to Congress about WMD's and that he started an illegal war--neither of which in my judgment are true let alone impeachable offenses---for example-- the Clinton administration and the UN believed that Saddam had WMDs- certainly chemical weapons--and was probably building nukes---admittedly there was no slam dunk intelligence--only probablities--- as far as the war was concerned- the use of force was authorized--ask Kerry and Hillary----the voted for it-- and their admission after the fact that they were wrong is proof that had voted to authorize the use of force---firing federal prosecutors because of contrary political views does not violate the Constitution--it's political but not illegal----I think his failure to protect the United States against enemies foreign or domestic (in this case- illegal aliens) might rise to some peoples defition of high crimes and misdemeanors-----chbpod
The Professor is correct on all counts. People don't fully understand our complicated and sometimes contrary laws and how they work in the real world of Washington D.C. I have to say again, and this time please listen to me, The LAWS are made in Washington by POLITICOS for POLITICOS. They build into the system as many protections as they can get away with. You will never see a LAW that seems to limit or punish without some back door escape clause. You people have to remember these people are mostly lawyers and professional career politicians who know how to use the law for their own protection. Real Justice in Washington is a fantasy and always has been.
This also pertains to the STATE Level. When you are dealing with career politicians you are dealing with people that have only one goal.....KEEPING THEIR JOBS!
The PROFESSOR has uncanny insight and his being a History Prof. gives him even more ability to see through all the smoke and dust that is thrown at us. I don't always agree with what he sees through the dust but he is truthful and honest with his observations. The rest of you should take one of his courses!
I have taken one of his courses some years ago. I fail to see where the professor has seen anything the rest of us haven't seen however. Other than his jaded view on windmills.
The only thing that I claim to see that you all didn't is that impeachment doesn't remove a person from office---impeachment is a legal process but above that it is political---for example--one of the alleged abuses of power levied against Dubya is the firing of the federal prosecutors---no different than Johnson firing Secretary of War Stanton in alleged violation of the Tenure of Office Act--which itself was of dubious constitutionality---Clinton-- purely political---I loved it when during the procedings it was revealed that the floor leader in the House Henry Hyde had had an affair--in other words --isn't there something about casting the first stone?? chbpod
Don't forget Newt and his replacement.
Perhaps I give the general public too much credit, but I think when people speak of impeachment, they are also including the conviction.
da snoop as I said before- you are absolutely correct---but I think most people who call for an impeachment- think it's a done deal once the person is impeached---they see the headlines "President impeached" and think that that is all there is---sure the impeachment of Dubya and /or Chaney is possible with a simple majority vote---but you need 2/3 for conviction-- as YOU know- in the Senate--that won't happen---it couldn't have happened with Clinton either-- that's why it was such a stupid thing todo and smacked of pure partisan politics--in Johnson's case the Republicans had 2/3 majority in the Senate-- all Democrats voted against conviction and were joined by 8 Republicans--- one of them was Senator Edmund Ross of Kansas- who was named to the seat by the Kansas legislature specifically to vote for conviction-----he changed his mind--- and is one of the 8 Senators profiled by JFK in his book Profiles in Courage (which by the way I will be using as the basis for a senior seminar this Fall----as far as the general public is concerned I think you do give them too much credit---it's very easy to assume that since you know something that everyone else does too-- but look at the surveys that have been done on American History--and the terrible results in terms of knowledge----there was a survey done a few years ago of seniors-- maybe 600 hundred of them- in top colleges and universities around the college-- Harvard- Williams--included-and only one student got 60% of the 35 questions correct---I gave the survey to my Dad- over the phone he was in his late 80's at the time and he scored 80%--I think I missed just one--- 80 plus percent of college students could identify Snoop Dog as a rappper (my Dad missed that one) and Beavis and Butthead as cartoon characters(my Dad missed that one too) but only 30% could identify Sputnik as the first Soviet satelite---or that life liberty and property as rights were from the Bill of Rights not the Declaration of Independence--maybe it was life liberty and pursuit of happiness were from the D of I and not the Bill of Rights-- I rewally can't remember----this was a 4 answer multiple choice survey----also noted in the report on the survey was that most colleges and universities do NOT require a course in US History---nor does MCLA--it has perpetuated a couple of generations who know how they "FEEL" but don;t really "KNOW" much at all--post modern deconstructionism----there are no truths and all so-called facts aren't real or facts at all but socially constructed realities---to me that's all crap---it enables people to think they are smart and maybe they are- but knowledgeable???? hardly this was my gripe with the learning how to learn movement about 10 years ago--- learn how to learn?? about nothing----now the general public does go well beyond graduates of top ranking institutions of higeer learning----but their attention is less on govermental processes and more on ideology-- if they even care--as in Bush is bad- Gore is good-- or vice versa--red state- blue state--- chbpod
Hop on over to Greg Roach's Berkshire Blog-- we got a good one going------chbpod
And it worked so well for LBJ.
Ronnie the rat??? You stupid liberal asshole.If you knew your hole from an ass in the ground you would save that crap for Jimmy Carter.Ronald Reagan was the best president of the 20th century and played a major part in the demise of the Soviet Union.Carter sold out the Shah of Iran to the towel heads and look what we have now.Remember the 444 day hostage fiasco????? Why did the pigs let the hostages go the day Ronnie the rat was sworn in? Remember the highest loan interest rates of our life time under the peanut farmer? Or are you so caught up in your hate filled diatribe that you don't remember Clintons little war in the Balkans? Or the pig fooling around with Monica Swillinski in the oval office? If a Republican ever did that you scum bag democRATS would be pissing and moaning for years.I bet you like the Taliban and I know that your type and the liberal media want us to lose the war against the filthy pigs that attacked New York and Washington after years of murdering innocent men woman and children.And as for the stinking liberal press...why is it that six of these poor people who are being treated so badly at Gitmo were recently arrested and one shot for planting land mines in Chechnia only one week after being released and not a word in the American press? I said it before and I will say it again. When the next big hit comes and it will, it will serve the Bush haters right who get wiped out. Their demise could be seen as a plus for the human gene pool.How much more third world stone age shit do you think the free world should tolerate? Finaly someone is going after them and you stupid liberals hate him for it??? I don't know if I should laugh or puke when reading your disgusting and treasonous shit.
Have a nice day.
You slander the name of the president with the stupid line that he never accomplished anything in his life???? Have you ever been a commisioned officer? a jet pilot? a governor? A president? How about a life long liberal leach who spends more time drawing unemployment than working??? I bet you fill the bill on that won huh ?
Thurston howell and thurston, get a job you bum, howell.....You are so angry! You must have seen the latest pole...BUSH 25% and falling, a new record low, another accomplishment for Georgie...well actually the only accomplishment! That's understandable to be angry and a human reaction, when faced with the realization that your political party, and it's leader, lied to you and used you, then kicked you out of the truck. If you get some professional help and get your certificate of mental normalcy, we in the Independent party will welcome you.
Look you sniveling little man.I only point out facts.It is you and your stupid liberal cohorts who are angry.I'll bet you still have the loser Gore bumper sticker right next to your Free Tibet bumper sticker. Global warming is just one more democRAT ploy to stop people from enjoying their life.Is is a crock of shit with no basis in truth just like the democRATS who are shameless liars.Pole??? and Study??? the hallmark of the twisted liberal mind.I enjoy my life and I don't give a damn about the price of fuel or some yet to be born person who your type would have me ride a bike so he can have fuelfor.There is no shortage of fuel just as there is no shortage of idiots like you.I like global warming. Soon instead of going to the beach the beach will come to me. hee hee hee eat my shorts you geek.
Thurston....thank you for your knowledgeable insight into the what is otherwise a non-rational diatribe of inconsequential mediocrity... Your handle on the reality of an otherwise fictitious reality of the factual world you profess to not be a part of is astounding. We should endeavor with more veracity challenge non linear thinking purposed by the "only one marble in the bag" left wingers. On the other hand non linear thinkers are unable to grasp the totalitarianism of the grand scheme master plan, by which of course the general liner thinkers are capable of.
Oh by the way have you gotten your certificate of normalcy yet?
"I enjoy my life and I don't give a damn about the price of fuel or some yet to be born person who your type would have me ride a bike so he can have fuelfor."
I think this sentence says it all.
da snoop.....why don't you kiss the third rail on the subway when the train is coming? Think about it ! If you stopped breathing there would be less CO2 and the gene pool would be greatly improved.
Mass transportation is for those losers who spend all their welfare money on booze and cigarettes. I prefer to burn my own fuel going to the same place as everyone else.
As far as the gene pool, that assumes I haven't had any children yet. I'm afraid the damage has already been done. My death now would have zero effect on the gene pool and without any inheritance tax, my kids won't be forced to help the government pay off its huge debt it has recently acquired.
The largest government debt is for all of the social programs designed to keep people from needing a job thus keeping the social workers employed.It is not from the war started by the enemy in 1946 and coming to a head on 9 / 11. Finally something is being done about the murdering middle eastern subhumans.Now if only something could be done about the sick leftist crackpots.Strange that a certain local doctor who is Jewish can hate the president.It is the president that supports the Jewish state without our help the only democracy in the middle east would be destroyed yet Dr. Bad Back hates him?????? Does this mean that he supports the very people who want to kill all Jews????
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