Tuesday, July 03, 2007


Gimme a break!................The Republicans seem to be well versed in doing the Crime, but can't seem to ever do the Time!..... And we never seem to learn!

1 comment:

Southview said...

I have to ramble here because it is very early in the morning and I am already on my second cup of joe, (2am)
What went wrong with our great experiment? Our experiment with self rule. Where the needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few? When, after throwing off the yoke of a selfish ruling elite class, we decided to form our own Republic.
And the answer is...nothing! The Government was formed by a group of wealthy elite white males, that would fit right in with the Republican Parties Far Right, of today. They were mainly interested in gaining more of the profit pie than the rightest right of the People.
Go ahead people, prove me wrong!