Tuesday, March 13, 2007
After reading in today's Eagle http://www.berkshireeagle.com/editorials/ci_5423321 their editorial on the "BLUEPRINT FOR THE BERKSHIRES" I am almost inspired to give the Mayor an a-a-a-a-a-pology. Seems that this very expensive, highly touted cure all, is nothing more than a rehash of common knowledge, things everyone on the street already knew. They produced no answers other than to tell us that the things that are really needed to revitalize the area are to expensive, to elusive, or beyond the scope of reality, (the Bypass) Good job guys!.. So why do we keep paying these ripoff artist to study what doesn't need studying? They wrap it up in a pretty package with a ribbon, give it a technical sounding name, pat themselves on the back, then take the money and run! Hell, they don't even spend the profit here in the Berkshires. Screw all those studies. They are useless and don't solve squat, just waste time and money. What is needed is less Studying and more Doing!
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The idea to build an economy, not only of one town but an entire county, on tourism is B-O-O-G-G-U-U-S-S. The county would be depending on disposable income of people who can travel to anywhere in the world. This area needs to build a economic foundation based on technology. Jobs that are location independent. Through payroll, money would be shifted out of the cities and into our area. The cultural ammenities would be a nice dessert, but the meat and potatoes needs to come from year round sustainable jobs. Of course nothing will happen until our K-12 educational system is functional.
da snoop, I couldn't agree with you more, and there are lots of low skilled tech jobs that could be tapped into locally, but because they aren't low-skilled high-paying manufacturing jobs that don't exist in North America anymore, people can't be bothered.
How can the town support so many crafty type stores and not be able to support an E-Bay store? How has no-one realized that there is a market for printed open source documentation in an regional economy based on paper mills?
I've talked to a few shop owners who were going broke, and all said they couldn't be bothered to learn about the internet. Even the local newspaper doesn't understand that they need to break stories on the web and follow up in print. They have something like a 12 hour web delay - which doesn't make me want to buy their paper, it makes me want to go to another source to get the news.
I must say that I have never read anything as confuseing and impossible to understand as the posting by amy. What the hell is your point? Low skill tech jobs...huh?...an eBay store...talk to any postal clerk and you will find out that there are many people who make a living or at least dabble part time on eBay. What is a 12 hour web delay ? You think the regional economy is based on paper mills ???? GOD ! what are you smoking ?
My point, anonymous, was that the region is so far behind on the general technology evolution scale, that hanging hopes on technology to save us will require massive cultural changes among its residents and businesses.
I will admit that I knew I wasn't communicating that when I posted last night, but the clarification I needed came to me in a dream.
I agree that some of the people who are out and about look like they are behind on the evolution scale but cultural changes? Such as? This isn't going to be another North Hampton, not now or ever thank God.
I don't wish to speak for Amy, but as for myself just the local businesses acceptance of telecommuting - realizing that it is a legitimate job choice and not just some people trying to get out of work. Jobs where the office is one location and the work force maybe spread out all over the country or world even. Cuts down on gas consumption, traffic, pollution, in most cases a more pleasant work evironment, less office space needed by a company, the ability to attract possibly a more educated work force than what is available in the home office area, etc.
Another Northampton? Count me in. My wife and I love going there.
Ah yes--- Northampton--- that's where the women don't shave and the men can't---Northampton?? never happen here in NA----- you don't have two lesbian colleges in the area---or a major left wing university---chbpod
And besides we ain't snobby enough!
Hey, da snoop...instead of taking a cheap shot at the school system why don't you offer some suggestions or maybe you are afraid they might take away your liberal license ?
Well Anonymous you must be new to the local blog scene as I have offered many ideas for what I think would help the school system. I'm sorry you missed them. Perhaps you could search the archives and then get back to me with your sarcastic responses.
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