Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post: "Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President
01.15.2007 Jane Smiley
Bush is the worst possible president because he is simultaneously unusually ignorant for a president and unusually shallow, as well as desperate for a success he can call his own.
READ POST comments (235) "


Thurston Howell said...

You fucking stupid traitor you are so sick I don't know if I should laugh or puke when I read this shit.Finally the murdering third world insects are going to pay for 50 years of murdering innocent men woman and children.If it were up to stupid assholes like you we would sit down and talk with them wouldn't we? Why don't you go on Eric Buddingtons stupid show and you could also make ignorant remarks and the old bat could shake her head and bitch about rich people. Just remember this asshole liberals would be the first to be killed if the Muslums had there way.It is your brand of shit that they hate.

Anonymous said...

George Bush is the GREAT President.
That is the reason why he is attacked by such mad democratic dogs like you. The same can be said about Nixon and Reagan.