Saturday, April 26, 2008


Mornin Citizens..........Nothing Earth shakin to rag on this AM, although there certainly is much that we could. I have been lately pondering our state of existence in the cosmic sense. How we fit in and how we react to our surroundings and how we got to where we are now. Lets examine where are we now and reflect backward.
The present Human condition seems to be chaotic, vengeful, greedy, self serving, and ultimately destructive. So why do we continue down this path? From where I sit "WE" don't! We seem to be living in the advent horizon of a big black hole where a center force is constantly pulling us in, feeding on our fears and our circumstance for nothing more than their gluttony. The small but all powerful centrist few, that for all practical purposes, control everything everywhere. What is their ultimate goal? What happens when their are no more third world countries with cheep labor? Can "THEY" control the human condition so completely that if needed they have the ability to create a third world labor force? The evidence would seem to suggest that is exactly how it works. Just look at AMERICA! Once the power house of the world. We were the ultimate producers as well as the biggest consumers. We made good products that were the envy of the rest of the world. We took pride in our ability to include everyone in the bounty of the land. What the fuck happened? We were tagged for destruction just because of the mentioned reasons. "WE THE PEOPLE" were becoming to powerful, to independent, and most of all, to uncontrollable. Enter WTO, GATT, NAFTA, FREE TRADE, and THE WORLD ECONOMY!... Exit INDUSTRY,UNIONS, GOOD WAGES, JOB SECURITY, and YOUR WAY OF LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT!.......... This just didn't happen, it was planned!
There are those that say that it is just progress and the cost of doing business in a global economy. Do you really believe that dribble? Progress would be bettering the human condition of our citizens with their fair share of the pie, (Once called "THE AMERICAN DREAM") with sane prices for products, universal health care, free collage so all have the opportunity to advance their knowledge, and the powers that be legislate on behalf of the common good, not under a "CONTRACT WITH (corporate) AMERICA".
So those are my thoughts for today. Now pick up your lunch box and go to work for "THE MAN".....because he owns you now, body and SOUL!


Anonymous said...

Southview I think times now are no different than they have been throughout history. The phrase "I owe my soul to the company store" has been in vogue ever since there has been a "company store". The success of the elite of every society has been built on the backs of the common person.

For a short time "the greatest generation" had a slightly better shot of getting a piece of the pie and that was when the elite of that time were most successful at perpetuating the myth - the length of the stick that held the carrot was just the right distance so occasionally a lucky few could reach it.

The power brokers of today's world have become sloppy believing we will follow that carrot no matter how far in front of us they place it - or if there is even a carrot - just the rumor of a carrot could be enough.

We are definitely at a "Y" in the road. For the masses - food sources are locked up, energy sources are locked up - now they just need to pull back the control of gov't and we will be right back where they want us.

If we can't move energy to distributed generation with many small scale sources producing and consuming locally, if we can't bring our food sources back to local production and consumption, we will have no chance of keeping what little grip on the government we have.

Southview said...

snoop.....In some what of a strange way, the company store was not a bad thing. The "chits" you were paid were more of a perk added to and part of your pay. They were not all run at the detriment of the employee. In many respects they were a good thing that helped the employees family more than hurt them. The same can be said for company housing. These perks are only as good/bad as the company operating them. The Japanese still use this form of perk today with great success.
What I am having trouble with is the fact that it seems that it is no longer an effort by the corporations to include the work force within their plan. The work force has been delegated to a status of a liability, instead of an asset. They no longer view expertise or workmanship as a desired component of the product.
To me this is a self defeating suicidal game plan. But then they don't seem to care. The only thing they see today is the bottom line. Why is it that when a corporation layers off half their work force their stock skyrockets? Wall Street and reality don't mix. The fantasy of the bottom line numbers are a self serving, extremely short time, pretend profitability scheme that has no real bases of fact. Not working.....Not bying!

Anonymous said...

I don't disagree, but the system you speak highly of would fall into the era of when the carrot was just the right distance. The "company store" goes back way farther in history than that. Spices, rice, wheat, animals, protection - you name it.

Southview said...

Carrots, cabbage, prunes, and "I" Pods, they are all dangleage held out there and called, in their collectiveness,..."THE BRASS RING". Snoop you are correct in your observed analogy. Now that we seem to be the only two people to realize the situation, where do we go from here?

Anonymous said...

I'll be sittin' in my rocking chair on my porch with my 12 gauge across my lap.

Southview said...

Snoop...The right thing at the wrong time, let me explain!
First off owning a gun is no longer a Constitutional Right, it is a privilege given by the State. If it was a Constitutional "RIGHT" than you wouldn't have to jump through all the hoops to own or use a firearm and you certainly wouldn't need to register with "BIG BROTHER" that you are in possession of a gun. Secondly, if you did try to protect your life and property YOU would become the lawbreaker unless you followed a pre-described pattern of actions. You can no longer use the pretext of perceived harm but instead there first must be real and active harm. In order for you to be in the right the perps first have to have raped and pillaged your family and domain. Then beat the shit outta you and taken away your means of defense. Then you will be justified only if you can catch them IN your home and you have first called the proper law-enforcement authority and be able to prove in the courts that they took to long responding to your call. The insurance companies will not allow any of your clams for home damage or medical bills because you are the guilty party and the one in jail and being sued by the perps for damages. Myself I am going to use a military style semi auto 35 round mag and have by my side a half empty 30 pack of suds so I can claim drunken stupor caused by the beer company and sue them for the whole situation!

Anonymous said...

You don't need any of that crap in Vt. You want a gun, go buy one. Someone breaks into your house - shot him. Plus there is more open land to bury the body - no harm, no foul.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if you bury 'em in the same place you bury all the butchered animal carcasses, it will take them years to figure out which is which.

Southview said...

Snoop...It is good that you have the knowledge. Almost sounds like you have the experience to go along with it! :~)

Anonymous said...

No experience, just an active imagination. My goal in life is to harm no human unless in the act of self-defense.

Southview said...

Hmmm.....At which point, under law, does it become self defence? And the police just ask you if you are AOK and drag away the perp and not you?

Anonymous said...

Hopefully I'll never know the answer to that question. I'm guessing whether they haul you away or not depends on the evidence they encounter at the scene.