Monday, March 24, 2008

" 4000 "

4000 ..... How much more of our youths blood does Bush and the Oil Companies and the Military Industrial Complex want? How many are enough? What price greed? Their profits..... our future! Our youths blood is the coinage of the greedy!


Anonymous said...

We need to fight them over there because thats where . . . thats where the cheap oil is.

Southview, my next article should be on iBerkshires Tuesday night if you're interested.

Southview said...

snoop.....There is no more CHEAP OIL! $100+ per barrel and how much is the blood of our youth worth per gallon?

Greg said...

Now it's about saving the GOP. Did you notice that Cheney strong armed an election bill through last week that calls for Iraqi elections one month before the US Presidential election? Pop Quiz: When was the last Iraqi election?

$5 bucks says that we'll be seeing purple inked Iraqi fingers in campaign ads in the weeks before the election along with the claim that "the surge worked!" and in 2009 the Iraqis will still be killing each other and us.

In 2006 time it was rushing the sentencing of Saddam before the judges had even written their opinions just prior to the American election.

In 2004 it was the leaked Ossama tape.

These guys are assholes. They'll do anything to win/steal an election, even if means more dead people.