Monday, March 24, 2008

" 4000 "

4000 ..... How much more of our youths blood does Bush and the Oil Companies and the Military Industrial Complex want? How many are enough? What price greed? Their profits..... our future! Our youths blood is the coinage of the greedy!

Monday, March 17, 2008



Last night, as I was settling in my easy chair for the night, from out of no where came thoughts of "OLD NORTH ADAMS". There is something reassuring or an in the womb like feeling when I see old pictures of the town. Sometimes I wish I could time travel back there and hang out on main street for a day or two. Stand in front of the Lafitte Club or by the old buss stop just listening to the hustle and bustle of a vibrant city going about it's daily grind. any of you old timers remember the guy that was dressed in white and us to travel down town with an old beat-up trash can on wheels? You know...the STREET SWEEPER!
I never gave him much thought when I was growing up in the town, as many probably didn't either, but he was always there. My thoughts were wondering if he was officially on the town payroll or was just carrying on a long forgotten tradition. I would suppose that his job and those that came before him were hired by the town to pick up horse poop. Anyone have any information for me? My wondering mind wants to know!

Sunday, March 16, 2008