Thursday, January 31, 2008


Good Mornin to all those still with us. I don't know if you have noticed, but there is a shifting or correction if you please, of the political landscape. I don't think anyone would argue the point that after all is said and done Hillery Clinton will be our next Queen. I am not advocating voting for her or anyone else because I choose "None Of The Above" ,but that is how things have already been set to transpire. (we really don't have any say in the outcome other than mouthing our preference, which really doesn't carry much significance among the shadow elite that do the real choosing) So I did my own Exit Poll. Each time I got out of my easy chair to go leave a leak, I asked first Me, then Myself, then I, then their mirror reflections that tend to lean towards the Democrats, then those of them that are professing to be Independent.....Just a question here? Are Independents now called "Uncommitted" or is this a new and separate group? Do I have to re-register? Don't they both mean basically the same thing? I'm confused, again?..... Anyway..... to be safe I asked them also. I could not ask any Republicans because there were none to be found. Doesn't matter because they have become insignificant and have chosen to take the scepter of obstructionist and denier and are not to be taken with any real importance in the upcoming election anyway.
So what did my poll show? 100% said they thought the whole thing a waste of valuable time better spent on something that really matters.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Again, I made the mistake of watching our House of Representatives and the Senate, in action on the tele. What struck me as most evident is that the Republicans are still, even though they were voted out of the majority by a dissatisfied American Citizenry, they still seem to be directing the course of the Congress. How can that be? What happened to all the fire and brimstone from the Democrats who were going to change the course we were on? They were going to end the "WAR" and bring the troops home....ain't happening. They were going to reverse the failed economic policies of the White House and bring the working person into the equation?.....ain't happening. Nancy Pelosi just gives in to any pressure from the Republicans and in the Senate the Republicans, even though less in members, still get their agenda passed. Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?

Sunday, January 20, 2008


Thank you for stopping by. It is 3:00 AM, my usual time to become aware. Just a few points to ponder this mornin, nothing earth shattering. Faux Comedy Muse reported yesterday a sighting of a flying saucer. Of course being the realists and in possession of all the true facts, they just poked fun at it and reaffirmed their Christan beliefs that there could not be such things because GOD only created Man and we are alone and the masters of the universe. And we must not forget that we have only been here for 5,000 years, not nearly long enough to have another race of beings more advanced than us.
On the purely for entertainment purposes only scene......How about those caucuses? Who will get to compete for "BULLSHITTER of the YEAR in 08? I really can;t get to excited for anyone that is vying for KING (or Queen) of AMERICA. They all are the same. When my vote really counts and there is a "None Of The Above" listing on the ballot, I may consider voting again. But for now we have to admit the truth to ourselves that Corporate America and the Military Industrial Complex has taken over our country from it's citizens and enslaved us to it's ends. When your government starts to refer to you as "CONSUMERS", instead of "CITIZENS", then you know we have lost the war!
Just to touch on the rapid decline in our Blogging Buddies. Seems that there is a mass exodus from the blog world here locally. What gives guys? Not only the good bloggers but our commenter's like Clark have abandoned us. Have we become that boring or was blogging just a passing fad that people got tired of? We miss all of you and the lively discussions we had. Believe it or not, everyone contributed to the cause. Maybe it didn't change anything but you can surely bet that it made some know that not everyone was happy! Come back and see us again...ya hear!

Friday, January 11, 2008


I have to give the mayor a pat on the back for going after the gasoline companies. He is absolutely right, but this is not a new problem and has been around since the Republicans took over congress and the white house. It may have to do more with the town budget than taking the lead for the town citizens. Regardless, it is a matter that should have been addressed by our Reps in Boston a long time ago. But as usual, until the lime light is turned on...they are nowhere to be found!
Today I would like to pose the question.....How much more can the citizens and the town take before we are all living on the street? Wages and benefits (?) are stagnant or falling behind because the cost of living keeps increasing. At what point do we say enough is enough? At what point do our Reps finely get off their fat asses and start to pitch in and help?

Sunday, January 06, 2008


Got my Electric Bill the other day and I nearly had a heart attack.....$300 dollars! What the hell is going on here? Weren't we told by our Rep and other elected do-nothings, that deregulation of the Electric Industry was a good thing? And that it would create competition and best of all it would lower our bills! What drugs were they taking, or more to the many pieces of silver did they get? Great job fellas! And thanks from the bottom of my pocket!
Congratulations to Savoy for telling the "Tree Huggers" to go kiss their ass! It's about time someone took a chain saw to their "Not in My Backyard, or in Anybodies Backyard" attitude. Of course those "Nature Freaks" will still try to throw out roadblocks, but this time I think they are cut down!
So how long do you think it will be before we all have to move into a Ghetto because we can no longer afford to pay your unjust House Taxes? Thanks for the "ROYAL TOILET FLUSH - LATRINE MAN". How many old citizens will be put out in the street because Governmental Servants don't know how to manage affairs with what they have? Let me pose a question to you.....In what year will people finally say, enough is enough, and elect people that really look out for the citizens and their interest and are not more concerned with perpetuating the existence of the flawed system?
There is more, but I will save it for another day. I'm to pissed off now to continue!