Saturday, January 27, 2007


"The North Adams Real Estate Agency, John Barrett lll your friendly sales agent! Gimmy a break! I just have a couple of questions to ask that seem to shout out at me on the issue:
1. If there is an interested party (who min"t that be?) why are we acting as an agent for the French church?
2. Did Mr. Alcombright excuse himself from the voting? A conflict of interest surely exists by his being on the finance committee for the catholic parishes?
3. As the planning board has the ultimate decision and they do what John Barrett says, then the City (town) has complete control over anything that is done with the property already, without having to purchase it, as has been shown with past City (town ) involvement in projects.
4. Are we also going to buy the other City (town) Churches when they come up for sale? The same arguments can be made for them also. They are all part of the heritage of the Town and are no less important than the French Church.

Personally, I think there is more going on here than John Barrett is willing to tell! Come on John, what's the real story?

Sunday, January 21, 2007

The Huffington Post

The Huffington Post: "Not Only the Worst President, but the Worst Possible President
01.15.2007 Jane Smiley
Bush is the worst possible president because he is simultaneously unusually ignorant for a president and unusually shallow, as well as desperate for a success he can call his own.
READ POST comments (235) "

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Good Morning People........... I have some very scary news to report. My sources in the State House, who for reasons of National Security must remain anonymous, have reported that Massachusetts is running out of "alphabetical Letters" It is not the time to panic the young school children just yet but my sources have told me that some drastic changes are about to take effect! They have told me that there is going to be a law passed that prohibits the use of Silent Letters! I happen to agree with this, being the first thing coming out of the State House that makes sense and has any real meaning. My sources told me that they can stockpile enough silent letters to forfill the writing needs of Massachusetts People through 2012. ( the world is going to end on that date so who cares after that anyway. ) Letters will only be allowed to be used if they can be announced within a word. This is not a secret subversive war on any ethnic population living here.....Although it is strange that some languages need silent letters...why are they used if not for some hidden purpose. My sources told me that there may be some retraining camps set up to re-educate those that persist in using silent letters in their writings and especially in their names! We must understand that this is a WAR ON TERROR we are in and we all must do our part.

Friday, January 12, 2007


They impeach this guy for getting a blow job.

They do nothing to this guy
for murder!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Desperate men do desperate deeds! And this is one desperate man. His whole life has been one failure after another, one calamity followed by another. What makes this latest folly any different? The man is a walking disaster that has dragged a whole country with him into a world wide boondoggle. But the most freighting part of the latest "new direction" is that it has nothing to do with the War on Terror or establishing Democracy in all has to do with His LEGACY! He is petrified how negatively history
will judge his reign, and he knows that this war is just another failure..........but this time there is no one to pull his ass outta the fire!
I don't think that throwing away the lives of our youth at the legacy alter of George Bush, so King George can look good in the history books, is the price we are willing to pay! It's time for the IRAQI to take over and manage their own affairs. We have given them everything they need to succeed, even the blood of our youth,.......... it's time we came home!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


I have been reluctant to post anything on my Blog lately, mostly because I haven't found anything worth posting. It is a new year but the same old shit. Our insane King George is doing just what he wants to do, full steam ahead and the peoples wishes be damn! The man is really truly insane and should be committed......
Then we have the 400 Billion dollars spent in Iraq. How come we didn't have any money for domestic programs or for programs to get us off dependence on foreign oil, or for medical research to cure the nations ills, or for a national health program so everyone can have access to quality health care, as the politicians do, or a plethora of other programs that would have been for the good of the people? They told us their just wasn't any money and we would have to privatized all our domestic programs so they could continuous to give us the high degree of service we were accustomed to from our Federal Government. Hmmmmm, where did all this extra money come from?......
I am really tired and sick of the same old shit and hot air from our over worked and under paid politicians that sit on their fat asses and decry the ills of the people but do nothing to solve the problems unless their is something in it for them on the personal level, money - power - or glory ! Ya that's right, they are all whores for sale to the highest bidder! It is all about the personal money, power and the glory isn't it? The people be damned!.........
On a scarier note, and something for our History buffs out there to contemplate, what do you think would have been the out come of WWII if we had to fight it today? Lets see.....through a series of government initiatives fueled by the greedy and paid for by the working class, we have outsourcing our industrial base to foreign governments. Our steel mills are gone, we assemble cars now not build them, our stores are filled with items made in China not America, and our mills have all been turned into condos or lofts for the arts community. Hell.....if this situation had existed in 1940 we would all be speaking German and Jap. God forbid we have to gear up for another world war!
Then there is the morality of the Nation.....or should I say lack there of. We condone perversion, (queer rights) and immoral attitudes, hell... we go as far as to raise immorality to the lofty standards of our Constitution. I guess I was absent from class when they talked about allowing the same rights to perverts and criminals (it is or at least I thought it was against the law to butt fuck another person of the same sex) as are allowed to normal family oriented Christian thinking folk. Not to take a second place to perversion is Greed. The stampede to get all you can get as fast as you can get it, all bets are off. The new National God.....the dollar bill!
Along the same lines is gone from our Nation the moral pride, we use to hold in such high regards, in helping each other . We have become a Nation of .....Me - Me - Me... A self centered greedy inward thinking morons who's life ambition is to die with the greatest number of toys...... Way to go School System!
Should I, could I go on? No, Yes! I think you people all get the message. Remember "the stink starts at the head" we can thank our politicians, Local - State - Federal, for leading the way and showing us the light. Without their guidance who knows where we would find ourselves today? Hell.....We may have turned into a Nation the rest of the world would want to emulate.....GOD Forbid!!!