Thursday, December 21, 2006


MERRY CHRISTMAS Everyone and a Healthy NEW YEAR

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


Good Morning People!..........Do we, meaning the City (town) of North Adams have in their employ a person that does Grant research on a full time basis or do we just wing it, when we hear of something we go for it? A few links I came across that will be interesting reading for us non politico types that don't normally hear of these things or even know that they exist.

Just something to get the juices running for those interested in WI-FI and where it would fit into the Comunity Development Program in the City (town). There seems to be a lot out there in grant monies just for the asking!.......... So why arn't we asking?..... It's Your Dime!

Friday, December 01, 2006


Good Morning People! ..... I have been doing a little surfing and looking at WI-FI. WOW.....I wasn't aware that just being able to connect to the internet was such a big deal. Like everything today it has come down to the greedy corporations facing off against the wishes of the people. We are talking, MUNI-WI-FI. Seems that, as usual, some of our public servants have been bought off by greedy corporations and have gone so far as to submitting legislation of behalf of corporations making it a crime to install a MUNI-WI-FI system in some places. Check out this link.....
Ok my opinion....MUNI-WI-FI is a good thing! I know just the mention of this makes some politicos break out in a sweat and their heart start palputating like crazy. The 21st century is not kind to regressive politicians that vote their pocket book rather than their duty to the people. MUNI-WI-FI is a reality who's time has come. Like other city services, water - sewerage (?) - trash pick up (?) - a dump (?) - schools - etc... MUNI-WI-FI is a staple of the 21st century. We are not talking of putting some local small internet provider out of business because they don't provide high speed access, we are talking having to compete with corporate giants that don't want the competition because that would mean lower profits for themselves and having to provide a better service. Heaven forbid! ...Checked your UP Load speed lately?
what we are going through now is liken to when OLD Ma BELL was the only telephone Company in town. Hell... if they had had their way we would still have to go through Geraldine to get our call through. (One Ringie Dingy - snuck,snuck,snuck ) OK, IT's YOUR DIME...VOTE