Tuesday, December 20, 2005

"I'm BACK!"

Boy, this is a hectic time of the year! By now you all have your shoppin done, I'm talkin to the ladies here, I know you gentlemen out there are just gettin your lists organized. Hell why rush it, it's only the 20th ! I know "MY" system worked really great for many years and a lot of you guys had the same system.....I use to see you. On the 24th, usually we would abandon the employer at around the dinner hour, sometimes during coffee break, about nineish or so, if the opportunity presented it's self. We would all meet at the closest tavern so we could compare our shoppin lists and partake of lots of holiday libation. Hell it is only nine in the mornin, their is still plenty of time left to shop! Then after having snacked on hop and barley sandwitches all day and a few shots of some twelve year old gentlemen, we were ready to go mallin, besides it now was around three or so in the afternoon and the crowds were all gone, perfect time to shop and besides that's when everything started to go on sale. I would have to say that it only took us gentlemen about one hour to do the same shoppin that it takes you ladies two months to do, and we got a better price! That nice piece of jewelry you wanted? Half price! ..........Merry Christmas to All and to, hic, All Good, hic, Nigzzzzzzzzzzz!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.... I recall it just a little bit differently Southview.... the beginning of your story is all correct, but the end went more like:
Then after having snacked on hop and barley sandwitches all day and a few shots of some twelve year old gentlemen, we could go home and take a nap on the couch while one of your sisters finished your shopping for you! Ah.... family holiday memories. :) Love ya