Thursday, December 22, 2005


Good Morning People! Sure can get crazy at this time of year! I have been a "Shadow Person" on other blogs just listing to what others have to say. Though it is hard to keep my mouth shut :~) I did have to add my penny's worth. Anyway..........There seems to be more people than was thought that want to see technology brought to the for front here in our City. It is probably only a matter of getting the facts and cost out in the open so everyone is on the same page. "Hard tellin not knowin!" It was very refreshing to find that Dan Bosley is in favor of the technology and the benefits that can be gained for the City and MassMoCa. Playing the scare card, as our mayor likes to do, is not going to help the City grow. As sure as there is a Santa Clause, the technology will come to the City. I am of the reasoning that government is an enety of the people, not of those in control at the moment. I can't think of anything in City Hall that shouldn't be open to the preview of the public. Even the "SNOOPERS", as the mayor called them, should have access to anything in City Hall. What is there that is so secret that the public shouldn't be privy to? I say digitize the whole shabang and give assess through a webpage. Hell, that will certainly create a couple of jobs! From what I have researched, a Webpage can cost from FREE to about $30 a month. The expense you may incur is having a person maintaining the page and some of the equipment, but I'm sure their are grant monies out there to cover this. The price of technology is coming down daily so there is no excuse not to have it.
What do you think?

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