Sunday, December 11, 2005


And a frosty Good Mornin to all. Just since we are on the subject of this computer net thing, does anyone know the why and where for we don't have a home page anymore? I am curious as to the particulars. I don't remember it being discussed at a council meeting, though I may have missed it. It seems to me a presents on the NET is a sound investment for any municipality in today's world. Lets talk about it.....IT's YOUR DIME


Anonymous said...

Motion: Refer to the Office of the Mayor-----chbpod

Anonymous said...

What a dreamer---chbpod

Southview said...

Ariz. Town Will Go Wall-To-Wall Wireless By MICHELLE ROBERTS, Associated Press Writer
Sun Dec 11, 2:05 PM ET

TEMPE, Ariz. - Call it a municipal status symbol in the digital age: a city blanketed by a wireless Internet network, accessible at competitive prices throughout the town's homes, cafes, offices and parks.

Tempe, the Phoenix suburb that is home to Arizona State University, is due to have wireless Internet available for all of its 160,000 residents in February, becoming the first city of its size in the United States to have Wi-Fi throughout.

Tempe officials hope that by making high-speed Internet as accessible as water or electricity across its 40 square miles, it will attract more technology and biotech companies — and the young, upwardly mobile employees they bring.

An increasing number of the nation's cities are looking at using Internet access as an economic development tool. Few cities have gotten as far as installing systems, "but most cities are realizing that it may be something that they want to do," said Cheryl Leanza, legislative counsel for the National League of Cities.

Philadelphia is developing a citywide high-speed system with EarthLink Inc. Unlike Philly or Tempe, New Orleans is building a free system, though the network speed will be limited.

The Tempe network is being installed by NeoReach Wireless, a subsidiary of Bethesda, Md.-based MobilePro Corp. Roughly 400 antenna boxes mounted on light poles throughout the city will be used to stitch together the network, to which NeoReach will sell access, primarily through other providers.

The network uses a so-called "mesh" setup, meaning it passes wireless signals from pole to pole and automatically reroutes transmissions if one of the transmitters breaks down.

Speeds will vary depending on the number of users logged into the same access point.

The network is strong enough only to be picked up outdoors or through one wall, meaning those who want service in their businesses or homes will need a box that serves as a signal booster and router.

The city of Tempe gave the company access to its light poles in exchange for use of the network in transmitting data to and from city offices and vehicles, said Karrie Rockwell, a spokeswoman for NeoReach.

Two hours of free access each day also will be available for Internet users on the Arizona State campus or the nearby Mill Avenue retail district, where the network began a year ago as a pilot project and has proven popular.

Robert Jenkins, 50, sits at a coffee house on Mill Avenue a couple of times a week with his laptop, downloading larger files that take too long at home when he uses his mobile phone to access the Internet.

NeoReach will directly sell service to outdoor users for $3.95 per hour or $29.95 per month. The resellers of NeoReach access have not yet announced pricing, but Rockwell said it will be cheaper than DSL or cable Internet access. Cable operator Cox Communications Inc. charges $49.95 per month for customers who don't get Cox phone or TV service. Qwest Communications International Inc. charges $44.99 and $54.99 per month, depending on the speed.

Tempe signed a contract with NeoReach after asking for bids — which prevented it from having to start its own utility and probably quelled potential objections to the city's involvement in a Wi-Fi network.

Elsewhere in the nation, cities have run into heavy resistance from telecom companies, which argue that the free market should dictate the cost and availability of service.

At least 14 states have passed laws limiting municipal Internet service, and other states are expected to consider similar limits, Leanza said. Arizona does not have such a law.


On the Net:

City of Tempe:

NeoReach Wireless:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's what I was saying.

Anonymous said...

Well- as you know I am a complete idiot on this issue-----not necessarily for my resistance-- but from my ignornace----as I read the article- Tempe--- experienced resistance-- if it were a city owned and operated utility---- but puting it out for bid-- getting some community perks---and then have the "users" pay for-- makes sense to me------the probelm with that approach in NA----is economy of scale----NA---maybe with the college included- has 16,000 Tempe-- has 160,000 and Arizona State has 8-9000 undergraduates---would it be worth a wi-fi companies investment??? I'm still sceptical---chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD et al. the following two paragraphs are what I was referring to.

"Tempe officials hope that by making high-speed Internet as accessible as water or electricity across its 40 square miles, it will attract more technology and biotech companies — and the young, upwardly mobile employees they bring.

An increasing number of the nation's cities are looking at using Internet access as an economic development tool. Few cities have gotten as far as installing systems, "but most cities are realizing that it may be something that they want to do," said Cheryl Leanza, legislative counsel for the National League of Cities."

Now, again, I'm not advocating a city wide approach or allowing Company X to have a hand in saying what service is available and how much it will cost.

But as I said to X_the_cable_guy, if you are truly interested in helping and not being a nay-sayer, then I would propose contacting Wes and seeing what roll the "city" might have in this. My suggestion, and it is only my opinion, would be to have a meeting with the parties concerned and hammer out exactly what direction you all would like to go in. This would make it a bit easier to put a price tag on the project. Maybe you can get "X", or he could recommend someone, to help with the technology available.

I would think NA's small size would be a benefit, not a deteriment in this project.

Wes said...

I would love to get together with any and all interested parties.

I'll be out of town from Dec. 21 - Jan. 4 or so, but before or after is good.

We should do it somewhere WITH WiFi (just because), so Gideon's, Mass MoCA, or Steeples come to mind.


Anonymous said...

Home page under consideration--- have you seen the City's E-Zine from the Office of Tourism?????--sure economic development- well be bringing them in like lemmings-----
tell me would you rather sit on Main St. in Tempe on January playing with your lap--- or Main St. in North Adams???? It appears to me that compnies that want wi-fi are doing it themselves--if it is an imperative to their business needs----if it's tourism???? let the hotels do their own---if wi-fi is such a tourist draw---when I read the Travel Talk On Line bulletin board --people are always asking abiout wi-fi in St. Maarten-- and yes there re several beach bars and cafes that have it--and yes it would be nice to check your e-mail and make business contact while on vacation-------no let me ask-- why not wire the entire city-- either this has value or not---what sections of the city would you wire????? chbpod

Anonymous said...

wi-fo for the masses??????? surely you jest--- the "masses" don;t even have PC's let alone lap dances-- what parallel town zone are you existing in??? cjt-- I can't think of one single solitary initiative that you could offer that I would support---and the city website is already under consideration---I can think of ten---- no make that 3- reasons to oppose anything you're for-----
and I can do it very adeptly-----how do you feel about being a political leper?????? chbpod

Southview said...! Now that's what we want to see on the council...a vindictive, closed minded, anti-anything that doesn't come from the corner orface, bitter, gang of one! Your true colors are starting to show! To make a statement like that just shows us that you really don't give a shit about the City (town) or it's citizens. Remember the movie "THE KING AND I? ) You are not the only member on the council and I think the rest of them are smart enough to see through your little mindless pouting. I thought you were, above everything else, at the very least an open minded thinker. I guess you sure did fool us. If someone is setting himself up to be a POLITICAL LEPER it is YOU!

Anonymous said...

I just love the "close-minded" remark--- what you are really saying is that if I don;t agree with you- I am closed-minded-- but if I do agree with you -I am open-minded-- horse shit----that's the same crap liberals say about conservatives-----let's put a "main stream" justice on the court--not a right-winger---of course they think that their left wing position is main stream--- it isn't-- it certainly isn't mid stream--- it's left bank v. right bank-----same here----you folks have an agenda- on this wi-fi stuff---and you have accused me of being closed minded------yes- if the City has to spend anything on it--- I am damn well close-minded----as for CJT-----and my lack of support------he's just another Mike Deep clone-- anti-JBIII----can't take NO for an answer--and breaks the law----HEY- how about that-- there's 4 reasons--------and he still doesn't understand the "system"---you need City funding for one of your agenda items?????? you need the Mayor---not just the Council---and cjt pal??? you ain't got the Mayor----Hey- that's another reason- I'm up to five now-- I'll keep working on it--As for Benches on Main St??? with wi-fi??? now you can forget it---once the students at Conte have the right to take their laptops home----look at the number of kids that'll be on Main St. playing video games---and goofing off on the benches---- municipal or private benches -makes no difference---they are out of here---my take on your Council votes is that half the people who voted for me- also voted for you- because they would like to see some sparks at the Council meeeting--- take away my half (850) and both Donovan and Harlow beat you---your vision of where the City should be doesn't trump John Barrett's----- snow plowing beats
wi-fi everyday---chbpod

Anonymous said...

OK, I'll bite on this one POD. Close minded refers to the fact that you categorically reject this proposal without exploring any of the options. Its not the fact that you disagree, its the fact that you disagree without getting the facts on the issue. You have admitted your ignorance when it comes to issues of this sort "Well- as you know I am a complete idiot on this issue-----not necessarily for my resistance-- but from my ignornace". But instead of saying your support depends on the validity of the proposal, you flat out shoot it down and denigrate anyone who may supports it or least wishes to see how far it may go.

Let me see if I understand this statement "yes- if the City has to spend anything on it--- I am damn well close-minded". So if the city stood a chance of prospering from such an initiative you would be opposed to it because it would cost money? Is that what you are saying?

You play the partisan card as well as J. Cochran played the race card.

Southview said...

chbpod.....You are soooooo wrong! You are not closed minded because you don't agree with me...da snoop hit the nail right on the head! You are so wrapped up in some sort of single minded fear of something or someone that you won't or can't see beyond the dictates of the corner office. Doesn't it even matter to you that people WANT BENCHES, So because the mayor didn't come up with the idea it must be bad for the city. Where does that line of thought come from? If the mayor didn't think of it or doesn't like the's not even worth looking into or considering! And don't give me that shit about snow plowing vs Wifi. The mayor has wasted enough money on stupid unwinable law suits to wire the city twice over. Gee... how come you never have anything to say about how much money is wasted there? Ya Clark, you are very closed minded!

Anonymous said...

I can see little or no revenue accruing to the City--- please coreect me-------I am not convinced-- because no one has convinced me of the merits-----if you read my posts carefully - I have been pleading for more information----so I suppose that means that I AM open-minded--- but that I don;t accept what you so far have offered --you (and your cronies) claim that I am close-minded-- I remain to be convinced---in my book that's being open-minded----I have had no evidence as to how the CITY-- can benefit--by a City built. run and operated and maintained wi-fi system--- other that it would be just "neat" for people who would like to use it-----I am sorry "neatness" is not one of my strongpoints---we have wi-fi in the City---and if not already soon in the Cup & Saucer for the downtown----excuseeeeeeeeeeeeee me- isn't that the private sector?????????------what I see is this-----that there are some-- notably cjt-- who wants wi-fi access to all City documents----and how do you screen out those that are internal memos and those that come under Executive Session--- of whatever board??????---da SNOOP--- I guess some people like to SNOOP around-------anyway- why should you care???? you're not from North Adams right????? if so why don;t you tell the powers that be in your constituency what they should be doing an leave as poor hicks in NA alone-------chbpod

Anonymous said...

Not from NA??? Did I say that POD?? The only thing you have been pleading for, is for people to leave. I will concede that there seems to be at least two different proposals that keep getting intertwined. I guess it could be too difficult for you, POD, to keep up.

You do hold 1/9th of the purse strings of the city, but I sincerely doubt that a project of this type (my suggestion) would ever come about because the city could see any benefit. The city will of course trip all over itself, and slap itself on the back when a project of this sort does hit the big time. Remember all the virtual high fives from JBIII et al when the silicon village looked like it was going to take off. Boy they couldn't speak highly enough about it then - oh their vision!!!, and I'm sure they will again some day. And I will take all this in with a smile on face and think to myself, "if only the people knew". But in the end, it doesn't matter who made it happen, the glory will be in the fact that it did happen.

POD you better get moving, you have to be on your top game tonight. You all need to make it look like the city isn't stealing a sewer line don't you?

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't have Tookie Williams lawyer--when it comes to the law-------a City Website as opposed to wi-fi---- I do know the difference-- however you or one or more of your vassals have said wi-fi would allow everyone (with a lap top) to access everything in City Hall--no need for employees---maybe said tongue in cheek-- but much of this argument has been directed at the CITY doing the wi-fi----can;t accept that ---wbpage on the other hand is valid--as for e-mail access to City Hall???? not sure about that--- and that's an agenda item for tonight's meeting---e-mail and or fax is the clerk's office----e-mail would be fine and convenient for me-- but of course that assumes that someone in the clerk's office is monitoring the mail-- and not dealing with citizens and callers on phone----
why I don;t lile the e-mail thingie is that it is too elitist----why should I --just as a citizen with a computer-- have easier access to the Clerk's office than the average Joe without a computer that has to make a phone call- or go in personally-----breaking the law???? the sign thing---and you're still stonewalling it-----you said you understaood that the magistrates ruling waived all fines--- you could be right- but that's not the way it came across in the news article on your November hearing----how I read it was that the issue of fines was remanded back to the planning board---I find it interesting after all this hullabaloo-- that you now are quoted as saying that you don;t like the sign in question-----you see what I mean????? it's your way or the highway-------and that will not play well on the Council---possible you could pick up a vote or two---but in two years-- you will be a nobody---a has been--- of cousre that's better than a "never was"-----chbpod

Anonymous said...

frankly da snoop I don;t give a shit where you're from----some where along the line I guess I inferred that you were from Billsville----anyway- about tonight's meeting??? who gives a shit about sewers??? I guess it's the people who need to shit----that's trivial pursuit--- my A Game is for Melito--and his "sister city" proposal---the rest of the time I'll probably sit there and watch the fireworks--as far as the City embracing the dot coms-----that proves my case- technology is advancing so fast that today's innovation is tomorrow's obsolesence---chbpod

Anonymous said...

I rest my case--- you intend to put the same sign back up? in defiance""--- and fines were "illegal"?????? where did you get that idea?? or is that you're interpretation of the statutes?????
and you expect the Mayor to listen to anything you propose??????
you don't know shit!!!!! but I will tell you this you are a fianlist for the Vinnie Melito award of the year

Anonymous said...

If you don't give shit where I'm from, why do you keep bringing it up?? Actually, the silcon village, mainly based on Ozzi and his home grown company, failed because of the idiots who didn't have financial brain cell in their head, didn't see a need for fiscal responsibility. Ozzi was smart enough to see a sucker, I mean buyer, right at the top of the market and he got out while everyone was still high fiving each other.

This conversation just keeps going round and round. See ya on the next thread.

One question though, is someone with a personal vehicle an elitest vs someone who has to take public transportation to city hall? Personal vehicle person can get there any time they want, public transportation person has to wait for the bus schedule.

I think everyone should have to walk to city hall, but of course we would all have to start from the same place. Wouldn't want any of those elitest, who bought a house closer to city hall than me, to have any advantage in getting those fishing licenses.

Fighting the Sister City?? afraid of NA being labled incestuous?

Anonymous said...

of course you're correct in terms of people who have to use oublic instead of private transportation to get to City Hall---but that is a fact of life-- I don;t think we need to make it even more "elitis" than you claim it is.

Sister City???? watch tonight's meeting and see the rationale and lack of preparation of someone who doesn;t realize he lost-- and needs to get his name back in the paper-----------incestuous????
here's incest-- go fuck your self---as Carly Simon sang-- "Nobody does it better" chbpod

Anonymous said...

My aren't we cranky Mr. POD. Its time for nighty night for you, it is a school night and we wouldn't want you to take that sour face to school with you tomorrow. Brush your tooth, get your teddy bear, and climb into bed. I be up to tuck you in shortly.

Anonymous said...

Jameson?? you worthless ignorant piece of shit-- I don't even drink Jameson even in Ireland---technically you are correct- The PB doesn't issue fines-- the Building Inspector does----so any negotiation of fines between you and the PB --probably has to be ok'd by the BI------which we know would be-----anyway- I am tired of your bull shit----------and please don;t extend your hand to me-EVER!!!!!!!!!!!even if that would be the polite thing to do-----I will regard that- given this warning- as a hostile gesture---and subject to an assault charge---do ya diG???? I am out!!!!! chbpod

Anonymous said...

For my final "I am out" to da snoop (already bade good bye to cjt)--- I am giving an exam in class tomorrow---and I always bring
my sour face to exams------chbpod

Anonymous said...

Didn't he say he was something like 7 feet tall and 250lbs and the meanest toughest som'bitch there was? And he would claim assault for an attempted handshake? Boy are his panties twisted.

Anonymous said...

So I hear POD, so I hear. Just what I would want for my kids when choosing a college.

Andrew Etman said...

Hehehehehehehe......this is fun...

Andrew Etman said...

Just got back from the Drury Christmas concert. Gotta do the Dad thing when I can. I'm studying now....('s still funny reading)

Anonymous said...

One final thought on the "elitest" of owning a computer, as suggested by POD. According to the Pew Internet & American Life Project Tracking Survey, Feb. 3–March 1, 2004 here are how the numbers break down for the US:
Ages 18 - 27 85%
28 - 39 87%
40 - 49 84%
50 - 58 76%
59 - 68 57%
69+ 24%

Computer usage in Ma has risen 20.7% from 1998 - 2003 and probably a lot more since the price of ownership has dropped quite a bit and usability has increased significantly.

And POD, wireless is not contigent upon owning a laptop. I have four computers in my house, 2 desktops and two laptops. All are connected to a wireless network in my house and which connects to my ISP over a wireless network.

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