Tuesday, December 06, 2005


A frosty "Good Morning" to you all! Well I guess Old Man Winter is here to stay for another season! Isn't that just wonderful?.......... This morning I want to discuss one of my favorite subjects, as of late, Adelphia No Speed internet. What you say? Let me explain why I call them that. In the beginning he created the intranet, and behold he found it good so he created 28K dialup, this was good so he continued until behold he created high speed cable, and it was good. That was in the beginning!... Now we are in the modern ages, into book two, if you like! Those of the corporate cloth are still preaching the same old sermon......DOWNLOAD SPEED! Well let me open your eyes, let the blind see!.....it isn't about download speed any more it is also about UPLOAD SPEED. An item that they don't want to talk about. With Christmas almost here a lot of you will be out there buying your youngins that new computer game that is all the rage. The one they must have! Well a word to the wise...be in for a surprise! The new and expanding technology in computer gaming today depends heavily on two way communication.....DOWNLOAD SPEED as well as UPLOAD SPEED! But unfortunately Adelphia no speed internet doesn't seem to think UPLOAD SPEED is important enough to invest monies into, to keep up with the times. Well at least here in backwater U.S.A. When I talked to one of their reps he basically told me to sit on a rusty nail and rotate, they had no intention of taking any money away from their CEO to invest in infrastructure. Where does our $59 go to? Back to speeds...On my computer the best I can get for UPLOAD SPEED is only 13 % of the DOWNLOAD SPEED, which makes for real shitty gaming. That is the max that Adelphia No Speed allows, or is capable of. I suggest that the next time they come before the people of North Adams looking to renew their license that the Mayor does what he does best...Demand they upgrade their upload server to modern standards or go away. We are not a golden cow just here for the milking! What do you think........It's YOUR DIME!


Anonymous said...

Another excellent reason to support Wes Finn's proposal of bringing high speed wireless into the city. The download and the upload speeds are highly configurable and I believe, I don't know anything about cable internet, much more managable with load balancing hardware and software.

Anonymous said...

Just a side note here. It's not necessarily that the cable companies (and trust me, it's not just Adelphia.) can’t or won’t upgrade. It’s more of the fact that it’s just been recently that the user demand for upstream bandwidth has become greater. Gaming, VoIP (Voice over IP) and other peer to peer applications are on a major upswing and they are what eat up the bandwidth. Demand is driving technology here, not the other way around like many folks think. Even if cable companies could have predicted this need for upstream bandwidth, the technology was not all that great to provide it. I say this as a 15+ year employee of one of the 5 biggest cable operators, and now more recently, as an employee of a vendor that provides much of the head end video and data gear that these companies use. Patience grasshopper, Patience. ;)

(I think you know who I am Southview.)

Southview said...

Ya, Ya, Ya...."X" Guy ...Who can sit idle by and waite for them....I have some killin to do today!....Besides, I can't go back to work to pay what they will charge for good UPLOAD SPEED! It should be part of their maintenance upgrade done as the demand dictates. What did they think we were just going to send E-mail the rest of you lives? VoIP is just another thorn in their side, Come into the 21st century you yuppies, You started it all now live with it!.....Hi "X"

Southview said...

da snoop....If Wes Finn can get me 50% upload speed as well as my current download speed...He is the next President of the Chamber of Discomfort! :~ )

Anonymous said...

Not sure I totally agree with you, at least on the national level, Cable Guy. Anyone who has a clue about technology should have seen the demand coming from the gamers alone. When the Play Stations, the X-boxes and others started providing the ability to network the stations together that should have been a huge red flag to the CEO's of the communication/entertainment companies that bandwidth demand was going to skyrocket.

You also have, as you mentioned, the whole p2p file sharing - been popular at least 4 years, VoIP, and now you are seeing the beginnings of video on demand, full length DVD downloads and streaming TV.

I would put the blame partially on the stubborness of the movers and shakers in the cable world and the inertia of the industry as a whole.

Granted the small markets like Berkshire County will see the improvements last, but if the cable companies don't move quickly they are going to be pushed right of both the entertainment and the communications sectors.

Southview is right, JB should be applying the pressure, but now not waiting for the next contract negotiation. The advances in cell technology are just coming too quickly. The demand for land line phones, wired internet and television services will drop even more drastically in the next few years. If the cable companies want to keep selling their line of BS, they can take a seat next GM and Ford at the table of short-sighted.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't think of speaking for Wes, but I do support his ideas for Berkshire County. He has some excellent ones, I hope we will be hearing alot more from him in the near future.

I will say this, even the slowest wireless systems are capable of consistently averaging 1-2 Mb/sec upload and download speeds. And consistency is the name of game in my book.

To add one more point to the cable speed issue. I think part of the problem was the cable companies seeing the satelite industry as their competitors. The satelites boast some impressive download speeds, but again, the upload is forgotten and unless you are willing to shell out some huge dollars you, the homeowner, upload over a phone line. So you get 2Mbs coming down, but 56k at best going back up and that is all the cable industry saw as competition.

Anonymous said...

Ok--- I am stupid---- if say- the City of NA was WiFied-- what would that mean for my computer?? if you had tech problems who would you call?--or is WiFi just something for people with laptops---I hate laptops----chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD your too hard on yourself. I wouldn't say your stupid, not the sharpest tool in the shed maybe, but not stupid.

Your question is a valid one. First of all wifi and your computer are two totally separate entities so to speak. Much like your TV and your cable service. If your TV has problems you don't call your cable company to fix it also you can connect just about any TV to your cable box and you will get the service you ordered.

So wifi, broadband, wireless - whatever you want to call it arrives at some device in your home and the signal is converted into the 1's and 0's your device needs to operate over a network. In order to set up the wifi some entity will have to take responsibilty for it - billing, account management, software and hardware upgrades, etc. Those would be the people, or their agents, you would contact if you had a problem with the delivery of the service that you ordered. You can connect your highspeed connection to your playstation or X-box (and I know you have one POD) and not even use the service in conjunction with your computer if you don't wish to.

Anonymous said...

What's an "X-Box"??? does it have anything to do with the First Wives Club??????--anyway- I thank you for your info---but if you have to contract with providers and pay bills etc.-- why is WIFI for "free"---it's either free or it isn;t?? right????--- chbpod

Anonymous said...

Nothing in life is free. At some point somewhere in the chain of this someone is going to have to foot the bill. Is it benefical to the city to have such services available at no cost to the end user. Sort of like the roads through out the city or fish pond or the new park by the Porches, or the sewer line of Mike Deep's, or the Mohawk Theater. Is it in the best interest of the public/private entities to be able to control a vital communication link that not only the city will use, but will be attractive to business and home owners who may be looking to make a move to NA.

Wes said...

da snoop, thanks for the good thoughts, but I'm just some guy with a blog.

I do stand by my belief that WiFi is the rural electrification of the 21st Century.


Anonymous said...

da snoop?? Ok the city wifis-- but its' for "free" to the end user-- that's the the person wealthy enough to have a lap top-- and the city picks up the tab--- as I noted before-- thge cost estimate is $150,000 per square mile and the city has 20 squarw miles-- AND THAT did'not include the cost of the cit for the "end-user" to use it---don;t you think we have enough
expenses to deal with other than a few computer geeks and intellectuak dillitantes??? get your own freaking wifi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are totally out of your freaking mind----it would be the worst thing that a city could do-----and who wouold reap the benefits??? the people that can afford it in the firstplace----stop trying to rape the tax payer---I simply can'r stand rich people tucking it to the tax payer----chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD whoa there big boy. Your totally missing the proposal. First of all, the cost would not be to the city. The city could join in if they wish, but more likely private entities will want in on this. Your (the city's) part, would be to create the legislation to foster such a proposal and protect it from the big boys (Verizon, Adelphia, et al) who are trying very hard to prevent such endeavors because they see the profits they will be losing.

Second, there are many benefits to the city for supporting such a plan. One of the selling points for NO was the ability to maintain communication in a disaster. This system could benefit the police, fire, hospitals, and abulance as much, if not more, than Joe Geek.

Third, for little to no cash outlay on the city's part, you (the city) would have a system in place that is highly sought after by business, homeowners (Condo owners) and the educational system.

Fourth, the $150K per sq mile you quote is for starting from square one and covering an entire city. NA already has much of the infrastructure in place. and as I asked you on WIB but you failed to answer: The Mohawk Theater project is slated to cost way more than this project would cost and what percentage of the city population would the theater serve? How much did the city spend to create that nice little park for the Porches (including court costs)?

Fifth, I am not trying to rape the tax payer, I'm tryng to support the people with the vision to save the tax payers money and in the process create an attraction to the city for high tech / high paying business and potential home/condo owners.

I realize you do not understand the proposal, but don't stand in the way of progress just because it is progress. Research it, learn it, understand it and then come back with your concerns.

Finally, what makes you think I don't already have access to my own wifi network?

Anonymous said...

Excuse me-- but if I remember correwctly you don;t live in North Adams---so bugger off---secondly -- you say it won't cost the City anything--- helloooooooooo---then you say "Litle or nothing"--well which is it---and no I don;pt understand it--- I do understand a park for neighborhood kids on the one hand and the WiFi for snot-nosed pampered dilatantes- who can afford to live and do off the fat of the land-- on the other----since Wes and John and now you are promoting this and I think you are all out of your freaking minds and have absolutely no interest in North Adams??? my vote is NO a big fat NO------"millions for defence but not one cent for tribute" chbpod

Southview said...

Just a note here...I would guestimate that 90% of our high school youngins own or have access to a laptop. It is not a gismo for the rich anymore. (ya...we all know about the Porches Park... or is that Parking?) Anyway...I can understand chbpod being petrified of more City (town) expences. We are just barely keeping our heads above water now! BUT...and it is a BIG BUTT...We have to come into the 21st Century. Wifi is no big mystery. All the business or interested party does is set up a modom with a roughter and singo you are in business. I'm surprised that City (town) Hall isn't already hooked into the Technology. One Computer, One modom, one roughter, no wires, no mess! Access for everyone, and I do mean everyone. Gee...We could even have our City (town) Page Back!

Anonymous said...

That's too bad POD, because this will become a reality, with or without your blessing, at some point. You can stick to seeing if pitbulls in the city have been neutered or not.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with WiFi hot spots--- but I think it is up to the private sector which most of the time has a habdle on the market place--if that is the future?? let it come----BUT I ain't paying for it---the idea that 90% of our highr school students have laptops- is probably iverstated----BUT SO WHAT if they do???? can they not go home??? (you probably remember about "home"-- as a concept) and connect???? maybe without Wifi---Wifi exists only for assholes and geeks that think that carrying around a laptop is a status symbol
Wifi for the rich-- and welfare for the poor-----makes sense to you--eh?? chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD I tried carrying my desktop computer around, but it got a bit cumbersome.

Your response in this thread is so short sighted and couldn't be farther from the truth. I don't even know how to respond. I fact I say why bother. You clearly are not interested in learning about the idea. Do the names Tesla, Edison, and Westinghouse mean anything to you?

Anonymous said...

What the fuck are you talking about--Da Snoop- clearly -you are a snot-nosed aristocrat---you can;t carry your desk top around with you--too fucking bad-----why should anyone carry any god damn computer around with them-- and expect the taxpayer to fund their fetish------pervert-- electronic cyber pervert---bloodsucking pervert----get the fuck out of your "i'm me and I'm important" syndrome---and give the real people a break. Tesla- Edison-Westinghouse???? what the pha?????
No I have no interest in the idea---simply because you espouse it and you have proven to be a categorical asshole-----oh-- Wifi---the equivalent of Tesla -Edison- Westinghouse-- in five years no one will have ever heard of WiFi--that's how quickly the technology is changing---and YOU-- asshole MUST have what suits YOU now-----get out of town--- chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD I think your warming up to me. I must remember to put you on my HOLIDAY Card list. ;~)

Southview said...

I can't understanding why some segments in this city (town ) are so anti-progressive? Over the years, their have been some really good sugestions made that could inhance our little speck of the universe. The people that are still left here have no big asperations to be noted in any magazine or article or a conversation in Boston, all they want is their tiny slice of life, and not to be taken advantage of by big business or their elected City (town) officials. We depend on them to keep us in the flow of things, to keep us up to date with new and inovative ideas. Wifi is not new,...hell, even I have had it for a while, and usually I'm the cows ass catching up with things! Point I'm trying to make here is NEW is not inherently bad! Windmills are not bad, benches are not bad, fuel cell run cars are not bad, laptops are not bad, technology is not bad! We are living in the Techno Age, the Information Age, Lets get connected and informed! Can you imagion the same line of thought when TV first came out?... Oh NO...we ain't having one of them their new fangled units in our City (town )...Radio is good enough!

Anonymous said...

Why does the City have to be everybody's God Damn nanny????
You want to take your laptop downtown- and use while you are at a coffee shop or restaurant---let the private sector do it-----you want to sit in the Conte parking lot -or the college parking lot and play with your "computer" that may well pick up the Wifi signal---go right ahead----you want to sit on Curran Highway--- near Jae's Inn and play with your computer-- go ahead----OR just as I do-- I stay at home and use my desk yop----the laptop is strictly a status symbol-- it says "hey look at me---out in public-- I'm cool - I'm hip-- I'm happening---why is there a need to be able to have a coffee at Dunkin Donuts-- and be able to use you laptop at the same time????
it is simply indulgence---- and they City should not indulge you--- it's not being resistant to technology--- you can afford a laptop-----and internet connections???? fine do it---don;t expect the taxpayers to PAY for your self-indulgence------chbpod

Anonymous said...

POD you are right!! I agree. And while we have this mindset, I say lets start applying it to other areas of life. Like the upcoming snow storm. I say keep the plows in the garage until the storm is over. Then they only have to go out and plow the roads once. Save on salt and sand and overtime. Why should the city pay for the convience of people being able to take their fancy cars out of their driveway any damn time they please, it says "hey look at me---out in public-- I'm cool - I'm hip-- I'm happening".

The roads are bad stay at home. The city is not your nanny!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I just got back and read though the rest of these replies. I have opinions both for and against the wifi thing, but what really amazes me is that nobody has once thought about the cost to MAINTAIN such a system. Sure, grants, donations and the like *might* get such a system in place with little or no cost to the city, but do you have any idea what it takes to properly administer, maintain and, (oh yeah), UPGRADE such a network? Do you think once in place it will be good forever? Oh..and someone will still need to supply the pipe from the wifi network to the Internet.
(Or were we not going to worry about that?) I can tell you that is not going to be cheap either. Think of how many USERS you are talking about here! It will just be the city your are yelling at about your poor speeds in a year instead of the Adelphia's and Verizon's. So the beat goes on...


Anonymous said...

X, your coming in late in the game on this one. The points you raise are valid, and on one blog or another, at one point or another, they have been addressed. We are not dreamers and realize this is an on going proposal. And again, the proposal is not a city wide proposal, it is not a city funded proposal.

Finally, I am involved with the broadband business, and you sound to me like a cable guy trying to keep the competition away. But thanks for the input it doesn't hurt to hear from everyone.

Anonymous said...

Hell. I LIKE competition. It keeps the prices down. And, as an "X" cable guy, (That's what the "x" means in case you missed it there snoop.) ;) the cheaper their video and internet services are the better. I got them all for free for over 15 year. Now that I have to PAY for them, I completely understand what everbody has been bitching about! lol.

Anonymous said...

Whoa Da Snoop- this is NOT a City funded proposal???? then I take back everyting I said---go ahead and do it----funny though every time I talked about "taxpayer" dollars--- no one ever called me on that to tell that this proposal is not City Funded----as far as I can recall-- several of the proponents-- did call for the City to fund it-- and now you say- not true-- and not City wide??? so where would these hot spots be located- if not City wide-- and for whose benefit really??????OK Da Snoop- thanks for the disclaimer that you are involved with Broadband----and x able guy- is now accused of defending the cable industry-- and your not defending Broadband - because of any personal financial interest????? ooooooooooooooooooh weeeeeeeeeeeeeee this does not pass the smell test----so lets cut to the chase---have not the proposals for Wifi called on the CITY OF NORTH ADAMS to establish and fund it??????????---if that is not the case???? find another topic where I can kick the shit out of your dreams-------chbpod

Anonymous said...

Sorry POD, if you had been paying attention you would have seen that there has never been a call for the city to fund the proposal.

I defend broadband because I see what an assest it could be to the city. I would not be involved in the project in any manner. I have offered some advise and opinions and they can be taken for what they are worth to you.

I could be wrong, remember I am a a snot-nosed aristocrat, but in every conversation I have been involved in regarding this proposal there has never been any mention of the city funding it. I think if you care to check, you will see that my comments have all been that the city's role in this would be to provide the legislation necessary to allow and protect such an endeavor.

Anonymous said...

POD, here is a little light reading for you.


Anonymous said...

Da Snoop- maybe your position on this has been private sector and not "City"-- but other posters have called upon the City to WiFi the City----I noted that with 20 square miles and an estimated $150,000.sq mile-- that would be three million-- and Barrett just isn;t going to pop for that anount-nor would I--so if I have misconstrued your position and have grouped you in with the other posters calling on the City to do it- I apologize----the way I lookat technology--- will WiFi-- go the way of Beta videos??? wouldn;t surprise me--soemthing else will come along-----and if that can be absorbed out of interest by the private sector- amen--and you analogy about street plowing is so bogus----your assumption isn that the only people who use the streets are dilitantes---- ever head of cabs??? buses?? working class people trying to get to work???
good grief-- chbpod

Anonymous said...

Actually POD that was my point with my analogy to the roads. Your assumption was that the only people who would benefit from wifi would be snot-nosed aristocrats such as myself.

Also I would agree with you about the pace of technology, but if you own your own system you control your destiny a bit more.

If you had a homemade generator in the backyard that produced reliable electricity day in and day out, would you be in a rush to go out and buy a fuel cell? If you follow your line of thinking, you couldn't come up with one logical argument for buying a computer in the first place. They are outdated as soon as you open the box.

With this type of technology you buy the best you can get at the time and run with it until it pays to move on to whatever is hot.

Anonymous said...

Oops, that was me. Put the verification in the username slot. Maybe I will change my screen name to sna (snot-nosed aristocrat), easier to type.

Anonymous said...

Da Snoop-- look dipshit-- we are not talking about a sincle computer-- we are atking about 100's of thousand os infrastructure----you PC isn;t up to snuff??? upgrae it-- scrap it-- I could care less-- but it's all on your dime---not the taxpayer----NOW -- has not this WiFi thingie-- from Chris- Southview or Wes and maybe John-- not been argued as somethingthat the City of North Adams-- should do???? please answer my question------chbpod

Anonymous said...

Da Snoop-- or what ever your zevekbrf alais is-----number one _ I don npt have a backyard generator-- nor would I be apt to have one-- and this- even if owned perfectly fine---I would not run out to upgrade to a fuel cell----I am talking about personal computers---that YOU buy and pay for the interenet service---as opposed to the suggestion-- which you still have not denied to me personally but did have on one of your posts-- about who would pay for the infrasturcture to support WiFI---you say no cost to the City-- I say horse shit---if not cost to the City>>> fine no problem with me------my point was why should the CITY invest in a technology-- for the benefit of lazy -half witted liberal -we know better than you- cheapies----just to indulge your whim???????--you have no answer-----so shut the fuck up!!!!! chbpod

Anonymous said...

Look POD this is getting old. If you are convinced that I have in any post said that the project should be funded by the city, then go back through the archives and prove it.

I don't know who you think you are that all proposals have to have your blessing? I could give a rat's ass whether or not you are on board with this. Stick with your one way show where you tear people to shreds without offering any chance of rebuttal, you always win the arguement that way.

At best you are one out of nine on the city council. But here is my suggestion, since you are too fucking dumb to understand what this is all about, every time you see a post about wifi just ignore it. It's over your head. Let the people who have a clue in life discuss it.

Anonymous said...

all four of you??? discuss it- discuss what-----if you could read you moron--- you would see that I conceded that you may not have been the advocate of WIFI sponsored and paid for by the City------ BUT that is where Wes was coming from----so bugger off-----are you a registered voter in North Adams????????? or just an interloper who knows better????

Hey you don;t like my show??? don;t watch it--and I know you don;t--- because if you did you wuldn;t be such a worthless piece of ignorant shit------try going back to the third grade and learning to how to read---chbpod

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is you that should learn to read. I believe CJT suggested once during the campaign that the city should pay for it. However the conversation for the last month has not included the city in funding anything. And you learn how to read in first grade not third grade. Maybe you count it as third grade because you had to repeat it two more times, but it is still the first grade.

Anonymous said...

I learned to read in third grade because I skipped the others---actually I was reading my mother's charts in the delivery room-- very precocious of me- I know-- but I wanted to know how I was doing----

Anonymous said...

Bully for you.