Sunday, August 03, 2008


In the battle between the seller, wanting to make as much profit as is humanly possible, and the buyer, looking for the least expensive product possible, there may just be a win for the American Worker, I mean consumer. We are not considered citizen workers any more, we are only thought of as consumers. Anyway..... I ran across this article in the New York Times and it verified my belief that GATT and NAFTA are no damn good. They only served the interest of greedy industrialist wanting to exploit people for profit. Well it has come back to bite them in the ass. The high cost of oil is bringing them slithering back. It is good news for the American (Mexican?) worker. Maybe again we can say with pride "MADE IN AMERICA BY AMERICAN UNION WORKERS"


CJ said...

I see this benefiting the auto industry and farmers but hurting software companies and education. Of course the biggest loser will be the northern states, as heating costs will push any new businesses south.

We will have to pay for the high heating costs of our homes and the high transportation costs to ship goods via trucks because of the demise of the railroads.

This will also add fuel to the fire of illegal immigration as companies increase the call for "workers who will work in conditions that Americans won't".

Southview said...

cj.....It really won't matter because before anything will be done the people of North Adams will starve and or freeze to death. Unless we will be allowed into the "NEW FIXED UP ARMORY" for free food and a place to keep warm!
Seems that getting pork money for that is more important and worth patting ones self of the back for than doing REAL legislation to help the people of this town deal with the pending crisis, thanks Dan for all your concern!

CJ said...

Southview, I don't disagree that the leaders of the this country have really failed us. But also I think we as a town, city, state, nation have failed as well.

Many of us had predicted this situation years ago but for one reason or another couldn't convince the majority that we were heading this way. By not demanding our leaders do something proactive instead of reactive we really only have ourselves to blame.

Five years ago if the most read and emailed story on the internet was about the looming oil crisis instead of Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, Terri Shiavo, or gay marriage the press would have paid more attention because of advertising dollars. When a story is in the press, then the legislatures will give it lip service for their next election. At some point a critical masses would have formed.

Had our leaders (and had we demanded our leaders) stood up and publicly asked the tough questions and done some critical thinking about the "energy policy" of the Bush administration and the bogus run up to the Iraq war, we might be better off now.

Had people paid attention to the message instead of making fun of Howard Dean's (the only politician who had the balls to see the forest through the trees) scream, we might be in a different situation now, instead they let "the scream" be the story of the day. I don't know if Dean would have been the the best candidate, but his platform deserved more attention than it was given.

Matthew said...

Does the coffee antioxidant benefit everyone? Honestly, this is NOT a question easily answered. It is known that 55 percent of the free form amino acids found in skeletal muscles is composed of glutamine. I am going to continue the treatment until after Xmas when I will revue the situation and hopefully, start reducing the dosage! Free radicals are believed to play a role in many diseases and accelerating the aging processes.