Friday, October 20, 2006


OK, just some rambling thoughts for this morning.......... With the country in a tizzy over the up-coming fight for political power and control of the masses, here are a few of my thoughts on the grand event.
First, what are the issues we would like our elected help to address: That is a personal issue because each of us has different needs and desires, but as a whole, I believe the ability to survive financially, have our elected help pay more attention to our needs and less to theirs, Follow our wishes and not their personal agenda.
To begin with the "two party system" is a sham. Although I rag on Republicans, I do like what they profess to stand for, although reality is far from the advertising brochure. Their core doctrine is in line with the founding fathers wishes for a small unintrusive central government. Allowing the States to work out the details but with guidance from Washington. Unfortunately the reality has become perverse and has been hijacked by a few elitist hell bent on greed. Now the Democrats on the other hand profess to be the working man's party protecting us lowly slaves that produce the wealth of this nation from those very elitist. But again the cover doesn't jive with the content of the book. They have become nannycrats that believe only they, because of their self importance, know what is best for you. You are just children with no ability to think for yourself and comprehend what is good for you. The party of "It's for your own good".
So who stands for what? The reality is it doesn't matter because they both stand for themselves and the perpetuation of their elitist jobs. Sure we get a few crumbs now and again, but they are few and far between.
The structure of our system is broken and needs to be fixed. We need to take the authority out of the hands of the professional politician and give it back to the people. The structure is designed for the early days of the country when it was hard to find a person that could read and write much less understand the workings of government. Not to let the fact that the great US of A was started by a small group of elitist in the first place, go un noticed. But time marches on, and knowing this, our founding fathers tried to fashion a system that would be able to change with the changing seasons. Unfortunately those that came after them had other fish to fry and we weren't invited to the feast. They quickly found that bull shit goes a long way, especially if you can keep the masses from finding out the truth. We need a drastic revamping of the system or, actually more to the point, is to bring the system back in line with the purpose for which it was started in the first place.....doing the bidding of the people!
The trick will be to lance the political leaches from the system, those that have elevated "their line of bull shit " to an art form and sit in their cushy office in Washington and do as little as possible anything with substance. Don't rock the boat-a-tiction, the fence sitter that bends to whatever is fashionable at the time. Term limits is a good start.
In closing just a few thoughts.....We want our elected hired help to be open and forthcoming, responsive to our real needs, protect us from those that seek to take advantage of us, and most of trustworthy!


Anonymous said...

The soup is only as good as the stock it is made from.

I may be wrong, but didn't the founding fathers create a representative government - one where people are hired to handle the tough decisions for us? You have a grand scheme, but in order for it to work, we all would have to become experts on foriegn relations, military, economics, sociology, and the law. Half the population can't even balance their check book.

Southview said...

Yes, which answers your own question and also mine. We know that back then that readin, rightin, and rithmatic wern't a unirversal atributes among the population. The formers of the government were, for the most part, wealthy elitest themselves but because of their status in the upper class also educated. The most inportant of the constitution they included was the ability to be flexable. To change and develop over time. Now we live in a time of mostly educated (not necessarly smarter) population. Through the eletronic medium of instant communication and knowledge the people are informed and just as knowledgeable as their representitives. Of course we don't know all the pros and cons of legislation but there in lies the refinement of the system. Still maintaining representitives but their job will to do the research and present to the voters the pros and cons and let the people decide. We are supposed to be majority rules but their are no guarentees that our reps. vote what the majority want. Yes we elect those people that we think are knowledgeable in those fields but will they stand by the will of the people? I am not advicating a complete change, just bringing the system into the 21st century and solving a lot of inherent problems that exist today because the people truely do not have control once you leave the voting box. I have to go and try to balence my check book now! :~ )

Southview said...


Cherylsgqb said...

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