Monday, September 25, 2006

"SO.....WHAT'S NEW?{"

Just an observation from the cheap seats.....The Republican Party is falling apart, the Democrats are all suited up and waiting to enter the game, and we the people are looking for a political party that will just be concerned with our needs. We are looking for a government that isn't more concerned with it's self and its own interest and more concerned with our interests and needs. Sorry to say but our government, federal and State, are not the government the people want. In my opinion we need to start over and get the authority back into the hands of the people. Our current form has been raped into oblivion by big money and people with way to much authority. I don't see any real change or difference happening even with a changing of the people in power. The system needs to be restructured so the people have the final word not a party or an indivual. With the modern state of the electronic revolution that is possible. I predict a revolution by the people in the not to far future. They are tired of being lied to, cheated, overlooked, controlled, and used by people that have hijacked the government for their own personal enhancement. We have lost the ability to govern ourselves......So...What's New?

Sunday, September 24, 2006


For all you NANNYCRAT DEMOCRATS to have a look see. I guess reality is hard for even you to swallow. "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN"
Want to really fight crime....take a lesson from those that really know how!

Saturday, September 23, 2006


OK...Alright...Right On...It's Saturday!...The work week is over for a few...( in today's real world the work week is six days long, not five, and for some seven days long ) Not to get side tracked here, the length of the work day and the work week and the why, I will save for another time. Today's Blog has to ask the question " Why do people get so intense about things that they have no control over? There are two endeavors that are in the spotlight at the moment.....SPORTS and POLITICS! I have a tough time understanding why some people get so worked up, almost to the point of violence, over what team or what player, racer, boxer, golfer, quarter back, pitcher, hitter, etc. etc. My point being that some people spend the whole week in anticipation of plunking their ass down on the couch on Saturday and Sunday from morning till the wee hours of the night watching SPORTS! There must be an uncountable number of these people around because every where you go you see the advertisements, and the specialty bars, devoted to just one thing...SPORTS! It isn't because they know anyone involved or they have any financial interest in the team or player...they are just fanatical watchers. WHY?
Then there is the political observer. Today's reality is that we have as much control over our politicians as we do over our favorite baseball team,... none! I guess the point I am trying to make is that we, as part of our human condition, love to partake of life from the cheap seats. We get all frothy on the corner of our lips, raining spit all over the face of the person we are talking to, flailing arm and hand gestures (that would make any of our grandfathers proud) over WHAT? I really don't see the logic behind any of it. I read with interest and a slight smile "The Blazer Blog" and Andys in depth reporting, of which he did a tremendous job, kudos to you Andy. The smile came from reading the comments people had. People spewing their own logical reasons for backing this one or that one. Do they really know the person...NO, do they really know what the person will do...NO, do they really think that it will make a rats favorite cheese ball in purgatory difference...NO! SO then why even waste the energy?
Well that is enough foaming and spitting for this Saturday morning. Not that anyone will even read this posting.....It's Saturday stupid.....everyone will be to busy plunking their fat asses on the sopha, sucking down bruskies and popcorn and cheap seating life as they know it! May all the GODS have mercy on our spirit!
Me...I'm going to sit on the back porch and take in the aroma of Autumn and watch the leaves turn color.....and suck down a couple of bruskies!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006


NEWS FLASH: PM 6:37 Monday.... North Adams has "WON" According to my sources at City Hall, NORTH ADAMS will be among those vying for the Grand Prize at the Fenway drawing! Councilor Chris Tremblay and the Mayor will be present representing the City (town). Initially there was some confusion over some "hanging chads" but after a careful recount it was reported that the City had indeed the correct number of votes to win an entry into the final drawing. A big THANK YOU to all that voted and lets keep our fingers crossed!

Monday, September 04, 2006


Just to let you people out there know that JACK FROST has been seen wondering the foothills. I know it is hard to believe, but Summer is over already! I just thought I would remind you that it is time to get in the wood or pellets or the coal in preparation for the freezing season. Don't forget to test out your furnace and heating system and any heating stove you have, before you need to use it. OK, that's my public service announcement for this year......Oh yah...Don't forget to get the long johns washed?